Batman89: You can tell its not understood by the majority of the friends
That's because you can't understand nonsense!!! ... lol
Batman89: how can you possibly interpret Matt 24:34 as this generation having two groups of annointed ones???
Apparently you missed it. There are THREE GROUPS, not two.
This Overlapping Generation teaching is really complete nonsense.
I was trying to wrap my head around the latest "update" to it in this week's WT Study article; not to try and understand it--because, hey, it's nonsense--but to make clear to any lurkers how silly and implausible it all is. - Watchtower, January 15, 2014, p. 30-31, paragraphs 14 - 16.
Here's my take on it:

So, apparently, there are now three groups of "anointed" ones:
- Those anointed before 1914
- Those anointed after 1914, but before the death of the last of those in group #1.
- Those anointed after the death of the last person in group #1. (See point #2 above)
Although not mentioned in the article, the key person in this concept is Frederick William Franz. Born in 1893, Franz was baptized in 1913 or 1914, making him part of the first group. He is also presumably the last person of the first group to die. Franz died on December 22, 1992.
According to this week's WT, the first two groups comprise the "this generation" that Jesus mentioned at Matthew 24:34, albeit in an "overlapping" manner. The third group is explicitly NOT part of "this generation."
The implication is that the newest member to the GB, Mark Sanderson, is categorically NOT a member of the "second part" of the "overlapping generation." It is not likely that he began partaking until AFTER Fred Franz died.
This is, I believe, the reason why this week's WT came up with the third group of "anointed ones."
Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke.- WT, January 15, 2014, p. 31, paragraph 16
Classic cult damage control to explain away Marky-Mark.
Careful readers of this week's study article will note that it contained so scriptural references or evidence of any kind to support this new twist on the "Overlapping Generation" idea. It is all just unfounded assertion.
But hey, who needs evidence when you're the leaders of a cult.