Our special guest on the conference call Sat. Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. EST. will be former Jehovah's Witness Heidi King, our correspondent in London England. She will be filling us in on the J.W. activities in the U.K. Heidi also will be discussing the Watchtower's secret involvement with Satanic Ritual Abuse. Don't miss this ! Also joining us will be Barbara Anderson, former "in the know" Bethelite. She will be sharing with us shocking new uncovered scandals that are coming out of the "dark closets of the Watchtower"! She will relate recently discovered Historical information concerning Charles Taze Russell that will "raise your eyebrows"! All those who are trying to "connect the dots" on what the Watchtower is hiding behind are invited to come on the call. The phone lines open at 6:30 p.m. so come in and chat with people who have been "touched by the tentacles" of the Watchtower organization. The program starts at 7 p.m and is conducted like a radio talk show. There is no charge for the call, just your normal calling rate applies. To join us on the call dial (712)432-8710 and when asked for pin use 9925.
More scandals...J.W. Satanic Ritual Abuse discussed on the call Sat. Nov. 8
by kool aid man06 43 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
Your the man "kool aid man" sorry I missed you at the convention, and Barb Anderson as well. Ive missed the last two years. BTW hows Manny, hopefully on his way out. I'll aways remember our deep discussion regarding the little "g" God of Jn 1:1
Take care
mary stewart
hope there's a transcript. but where do i call in?
kool aid man06
Mary the information you need to get on the call is here. http://sixscreensofthewatchtower.com/conferencecall.html
kool aid man06
To listen to past recorded conference calls click this link.www.sixscreensofthewatchtower.com
Hey Rick.
Is this the same Ravyn Giuliani that calls herself a witch?
The story on your last conference about SRA is quite hard
to believe... little in the way of credible and clear proof
other than "Ravyn's" testimony is offered in support of her
story. But I was able to find this post by "Ravyn Giuliani"
Has she left the witchcraft behind? Is she now considering
herself a Christian? In the conference she calls herself a
Roman Catholic, yet she can't discuss the Trinity or the
belief in the immortality of the soul with assurance as a
Catholic would. She seems to put it simply "quite confused".
But if she is still consorting with spirits and delving into
witchcraft to put her on your show is to be fellowshipping
with occultists which is exactly what you're accusing the
WT of, yet here you are promoting a discussion with Ravyn.
Also wasn't there an offer for her to take some sort of lie detector test? Implicating some of the GB members in this type of worship sounds libelous.
Anyway, don't scurry away, whatever you do, and please let the
JWD community whatever comes of this story, please.
Here below is the post she made sometime back identifying
herself as a 'witch'.
What gives?
--ILOOWYRavyn Giuliani Virginia, USA
"I am a 41 yr old witch, married to a Scots/Italian who has always been drawn to Druidry, albeit a cradle-Catholic. I just recently found out my heritage is Breton, altho I have always suspected. My husband can trace both his more modern roots to Normandy. We would both like to learn of the old religion of Gaul. I know very little French, but I can read better than I can speak. He lived in Germany as a teen ager. We would both like to retire back to Europe in about 10-15 yrs. I am disabled with Lupus and narcolepsy, but I am a writer and am working on that elusive Best Seller that will make us rich... The surname in my ancestry that finally confirmed my suspicions of Breton heritage was translated in the US to "Treewax", the breton spelling was: "Triouac'h" and while I have found the word in one ancient poem, I can't find the meaning of it in any online Breton-English dictionary. Another word that has plagued my dreams for years is: "roath d voris"--I have a feeling this is a combination word and it may be part Latin. If anyone can help with either of these words--please do! I hope to learn alot here. I have a passion to find my gods and goddesses that colors my whole life."
Ravyn told listeners twice during the Six Screens conference call that she became Catholic in 2002, yet in 2003 she wrote that she was a witch. I wonder if Ravyn has an explanation for this inconsistency? Maybe Rick can ask her to explain.
cognizant dissident
I too find it difficult to believe that any witnesses were ever involved in Satanic Ritual Abuse. Every witness I've ever known (in for 40 yrs) was absolutely terrified of anything to do with demons or Satan. I hope this person actually provides some hard evidence to back up such claims.
Roman Catholics accept Jesus as explained in by the Roman Catholic Church, but Ravyn is still trying to figure out her belief in Jesus and the immortality of the soul. If she just went to the priest not long ago like she said she could have set herself right on Church teachings.
So if she is still considering herself a "witch" albeit a "Roman Catholic leaning witch" what is she doing on a Conference Call Christian program?
I just find too many things hard to believe about the story.--ILOOWY