An outside source from 1969 regarding the 1975 teaching!

by lepermessiah 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • lepermessiah

    I have posted on here a couple of times that I am reading Alan Rogerson's excellent book entitled "Millions Now Living Will Never Die."

    This book was published in 1969. Notice what Mr. Rogerson (a NON-JW) observed in his research.

    Jehovah's Witnesses do not expect the literal destruction of the
    planet earth at this final showdown which the Bible refers to as
    the Battle of Armageddon. They also stress that no one on
    earth will know exactly when it will happen: 'But of that day and
    hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my
    father only' (Matthew 24: 36). In 1966 through the books and
    magazines the Society delivered a new truth: according to their
    calculations, 6,000 years from the creation of Adam ended in the
    year '1975'
    We have already seen that the Witnesses think each
    creation day was 7,000 years long and that we are still living in
    the 'seventh day' when God rested; also the Witnesses believe the
    last 1,000 years of this seventh day must be the promised Millennium
    when God will restore perfect conditions to the earth."
    The implication is that the Millennium starts in 1975 and hence
    the Battle of Armageddon must occur before then!

  • wannabefree

    Yes, but of course you realize that with the brighter light divinely bestowed upon the Faithful and Discreet Slave (as represented by the Governing Body of Watchtower Bible & Tract Society, Inc.), Jehovah's Witnesses came to realize that the creative days didn't end until Eve was created, and, well, we just don't know when that was. Evidently (I'm really loving to use that word), Adam was without a wife for at least 35 years, which is still well within the infancy of the new definition of a generation. Be patient my friend.

  • lepermessiah

    I was just excited to see that Mr. Rogerson was able to easily discern something that "The Society Never Said"

  • lepermessiah

    Another treat from the book:

    In the 1st March 1964 edition of the magazine
    the same point is made in an article 'Youth Get Saved From This
    Crooked Generation':Let us face it. This world has nothing good to offer you. . . .

    [The youth of the old world] will spend hour after hour on the dance
    floor going through all sorts of contortions to the beat of the
    modern tom-toms .... Actually, there is no justification for a Christian
    to dance in close contact with another's marriage mate.

    In fact, the Society's whole attitude to sex is interesting. They
    regard sexual passion and desire (lust) as a characteristic of man's
    fallen condition and hence they disapprove of it at all levels, even
    between married couples.

  • The Finger
    The Finger

    In the book "God's Eternal Purpose Now Triumphing For Man's Good" Published in 1974 and studied at the bookstudy 14th Jan 1975. Page 51 The subheading "Evening" of seventh Creative "day" begins, 4026 B.C.E. Page 131 Subheading "Morning" of seventh Creative "day" begins, 526 B.C.E.

    Which seemed to leave little room for Armageddon to come later than 1975 if you retain the belief in the 7000 year creative days.

  • JWoods

    All of this serves to highlite the very strange issue of the "7,000 year long creative day."

    Forgotten now, perhaps - but it was a fundamental part of the failed 1975 prophecy.

    I never understood what "scriptural" basis this ever had, and now that the wise old Freddy Franz is gone, probably I never will.

  • designs

    Septem Millenarisnism and Millenarianism go way back- Iraneus, Lactantius, Newton and a host of others including Russell and F. Franz all had this thing about the bible containing some Code that reveals all.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I thought JF Rutherford wrote "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" back around 1921. I didn't realize there was an expose' book of the same name.

  • Leolaia

    Here is a collage I made of various statements about 1975 (inspired by a similar collage that Watchtower Secretary-Treasurer W. E. Van Amburgh made about 1925 that he used for self-promotion):

  • aSphereisnotaCircle

    to the beat of the
    modern tom-toms

    Tom toms aren't modern, they weren't even modern back in 1964.

    Native americans used them for who knows how long.

    Sorry, I know I'm nit picking, it's just another example of how clueless they are.


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