After much deliberation, I decided to go "out" at the end of a Public Talk. It didn't go down too well, but at least I was able to give some of my reasons for leaving.
I've put some of the details on my homepage. I'll update it more when I get the time and the strength. The truth is that I'm still pretty emotionally wrung out. At least my wife is still on speaking terms.
Going out with a bang
by LittleToe 255 Replies latest jw friends
Have you given this talk yet? It's quite a would leave a lot of people very shocked indeed, if they didn't manage to pull you off the stage before you reached the end!
BTW, the link to the zipped version of the talk is broken...plz fix so that we can read the talk in it's entirety!!!
"I see no good reasons why the views given in this volume should shock the religious sensibilities of anyone." -- Charles Darwin, The Origin Of Species, 1869.
I gave the talk a couple of weeks ago, but things have been kinda traumatic since, so time has flown.
I'm having difficulty uploading the zipped sound file, today, but will get it sorted ASAP.Two night's before I was in distress. I prayed as did Jesus in Gethsemane "let this cup pass me by...yet not my will...". I did all but sweat blood, but received peace from this.
I wasn't interrupted.
I had prayed the night before, and during the morning, that that might be the case. I also had a few others specifically praying that this might be the case.
The P.O. was Chairman for the morning, and you can imagine my distress when he sat on the front row (not six feet away from me), rather than his usual spot.
I gave a quick Nehemiah-like prayer, when I saw that.I had the audience in rapt attention - you could have heard a pin drop.
Everyone was following along, giving full attention. It was almost as if they knew something differant was going on.When I gave a little of my testimony the P.O. looked up in surprize. I then did something strange, in that I dropped the JW bashing part of the outline and gave a few minutes on Matt.11:28-30 and John 16:4 ("I am the way the truth and the life").
The P.O. just looked at his feet!
At this point the other Elders were looking at me, and him, back and forth, caught in the throes of indecision. He remained seated.
I made my DA announcement, as in the outline, then made to leave.At this point he sprang to his feet and joined me on the platform.
I caught the eye of one of the children, however, and made my way back to the lecturn.
He just stood there!
I made a few comments to the kids, got off the platform, and plucked the tape from the tape-recorder, on the way to the door.At no point was I touched, hindered or interfered with.
Shocked disbelief, or Power of prayer - I believe the latter - either way, I wasn't interrupted.Edited for typo's
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That took alot of courage, and probably went over most of their heads and they are probably still trying to make sense of what happened.
But there may have been a person or two in the audience that has been online who had been personally struggling with the right thing to do with the truth they have learned.
And down the road there will be more that will understand what you did that day. Good for you.
F**k me rigid, Li'l Toe,
I have never seen or heard anything like that. I'm speechless. Well done.
Hey! Now you are an outie, you can dance too!
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