@Magwich Thanks for the well wishes! Myself and family are well. I really worry about the elderly population and those evacuated. Here's hoping all my Coloradeans, Floridians and any other "idians" are well as we all deal with various struggles.
Any of you folks from the awesome state of Colorado??
by SweetBabyCheezits 82 Replies latest jw friends
@ Open mind: To quote Brigham Young when he first saw the Great Salt Lake: "THIS IS THE PLACE!" Thanks for the pic and the shot is from my favorite time of year to visit the Valley--early autumn. That view is looking southeast toward the town of Marble, hidden somewhere among the ridges and ramparts of the Ragged and Elk Ranges. Thanks again, my friend! You just made my day.
Quendi (on an indefinite "leave of absence" in Alabama)
We miss you Quendi!!