(Belated) Hello

by ABibleStudent 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • ABibleStudent

    (Belated) Hello Everyone,

    I joined this forum and the JWSF in June/July’10. I have posted 46 times on the JWN before realizing that new members traditionally introduce themselves and I have not. I guess, I was too interested in freeing the minds and the Holy Spirit of JWs to tell my personal story.

    Compared to many of the stories that I have read on this forum, mine is not very tragic. I live in California. I have two college degrees, have lots of interests (i.e., flying, biking, golf, tennis, dancing, etc.), have dated numerous women, have been unemployed for about a year, and I met a JW at a night club in Dec’09. From the moment that we met each other, we were both very strongly and mutually attracted to each other. She was very honest about not dating Worldly men, how much she loved Jehovah, and telling me that she was a JW. We started exchanging text, emails, phone calls, and seeing each other for non-dates for more than a month. She always seemed conflicted and afraid. It seemed that she wanted to get to know me better but something was preventing her. She encouraged me to study the Bible with an elder (the first time) and a publisher the second time. What could have been a very awesome relationship between two people with a lot of common interests was terminated because of her religious conscience (and encouragement from her JW family, friends, and elders).

    In the last year we have still maintained infrequent contact with each other. Currently, it involves accidently running into each other on trails near my home. I know that she could walk on other trails that are not near my home, but I am grateful for seeing and talking with her when we do meet.

    I am moving on in my life trying to balance my many interests with helping others. I still feel this very strong urge to empower JWs, former JWs, and individuals, who have been adversely affected by the WTBTS, to free the minds and the Holy Spirit of JWs. I do not want to destroy the WTBTS. I do want to free the minds of JWs so that they can change the policies and doctrines of the WTBTS so that the WTBTS will no longer try to control the minds and spirits of JWs and encourage JWs to live their lives to the fullest without being a slave to distributing WTBTS literature.

    I have been exposed to some of the dark-side of the WTBTS. I observed that JWs talk in double-speak like what Orwell wrote in his book 1984 (which was written in 1948). I recognized that the elder, who was studying the Bible with me, was lying to me and using indoctrination techniques to try to convert me. I saw how afraid my JW friend was of not living up to the expectations of the WTBTS, Brothers, and Sisters (this bothered me a lot!). I saw how the WTBTS cherry picked scriptures to justify the WTBTS stances and to change WTBTS’ doctrines. I have read about how the policies and doctrines of the WTBTS have helped to break-up families and relationships, to kill and abuse children, and to enslave people to serve a publishing organization.

    I hope that by writing this post people will better understand what I post and why, because sometimes I might use words that offend others, I might offend people by quoting from the Bible, and/or people will be offended by my using the moniker “ABibleStudent”. I use the name “BibleStudent” on the JWSF, because my devout JW (former) friend labeled me a Bible student one time because she was afraid that I might tell people that I was a JW. I use “ABibleStudent” on the JWN because “BibleStudent” was already taken on this forum.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • psychiatric

    hey! and welcome! great to meet you.

    Likewise i am a bible student and new to these forums. i came here to speak to people who were much more experienced in this so called truth, and have had some awesome feedback. people here are very helpful, a few simple words from them can save your life...and by that i mean if you baptize yourself into this organization, youve practically souled your soul already.

  • mamalove

    Welcome! How are things between you now? Sounds like you have a balanced perspective. Can you tell me the explaination she gave you about being at a night club? That is a no-no. Were you ever able to get her to see any other ideas? Or is she entrenched?

  • wobble

    Thanks for the Intro. and for your candid explanation of your position and feelings.

    I think that you are more than a little in love with this JW young lady. and why not ?

    I think too, that if your assesment of her feelings and actions is correct, she feels for you to. GOOD !

    If you think the pain and suffering and effort involved in pursuing her is worth it, GO FOR IT !

    But be aware, as I think you are, this is a rocky road with no guarantee of a happy outcome.

    Whatever, thank you for posting, and you will not offend me, or hardly any other poster by quoting scripture or being A Bible Student.

    We welcome you and your input.

  • psychiatric

    edit: sold your soul! - to the organization ! dont waste your life! its unnessasary. doing gods will is simple loving others like yourself. Dont need to go through a complete life of misery.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Welcome! I like to hear about all the differndt ways JW's get involved with various lives. I never did an introduction but have shared enough about me that at this point I don't see a reason to. So you didn't break any tabooooos around here. Thanks for the intro though. I hope you wake her up

  • flipper

    ABIBLESTUDENT- Very well written ! You have a good way of expressing yourself. Welcome to the board my friend. I'm glad you see the danger that is the WT society and that you desire to assist others to avoid enslavement to this mind control cult. Good for you. I feel similar. It's one of the main reasons I post here to help people get free of this cult. Look forward to hearing more from you. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • skeeter1

    You should watch the movie "Der Verdener". You and the boyfriend have alot in common. It's on Youtube, with English subtitles.


  • 1975

    Greetings and welcome. Enjoyed your post.


  • Lozhasleft

    Hello and welcome. I am so glad you were perceptive enough to escape the WTBS despite your affection for the girl. I like your attitude that you want to make a difference for others who might be or become entrenched in it all, even though yours is not such a tragic story (your words) and actually it's still sad that you were put under their pressure. Look forward to reading your posts. Thank you for filling us in.

    Loz x


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