Jehovah's Witnesses, the culture of paranoia, and the "Anonymous" cyber attack

by sir82 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • sir82

    Have you ever met people more suspicious and paranoid than JWS?

    "Did you hear about the demon-possessed smurfs?....Play that record backward and it says 'worship satan!'....World War 2 was started by Satan as an attempt to eradicate Jehovah's Witnessess....the UN has secret plans to attack religion soon - I heard it from my 3rd cousin's nephew's chiropractor....'they' are sneaking blood products into candy bars...."

    As has been posted in numerous topics on this board, the "hactivist" group "anonymous" has apparently decided to attack the WTS.

    Regardless of how successful, or not, such an attack is, even just news of such an attack would be enough to throw most JWs into a confused, helpless apoplexy.

    Can you imagine the result that just a few well-placed messages on pro-JW boards, or casual conversations, could have on the JW population?

    "Did you hear that 'Anonymous' has decided to target us? Wow! Hey wait a minute, those guys are pretty good....what if they hack into one of our websites? Maybe they already have! Did you read the September 15 Watchtower? Didn't that one article on [XYZ] seem a little, I don't know, 'off', to you?"

    "Oh no! You're right! How are we supposed to tell what's 'real' and what isn't?"

    By making JWs paranoid about anything & everything they read from the WTS, they'd be forced to evaluate the content on its own merits, rather than just accept it as "well since it came from the 'slave' it must be true".

    Quite possibly, after several weeks or months of such evaluation, many JWs would come to realize the patent absurdity of, oh, 90% of what they read.

    While the attack of "anonymous" would do much to further inoculate the public against the JW message, the implications of such an attack, as outlined above, would have far more effect on current JWs. And those implications are completely independent of whether the attack is "successful" or not.

  • Soldier77

    I whole heartedly agree with you sir82! Their weakness should be exploited. They are a very fearful and paranoid group. Any attack, it's satan, any lawsuits against them that they lose, it's the great tribulation starting...

  • elder-schmelder

    I have been reading this book, it explains why a person that is a JW, would also believe in just about any of the conspiracies, that make it around.

    Great book, check it out.


  • Balaamsass

  • sir82

    Shameless BTT for the morning crowd.

  • snowbird

    That's rght.

    There should be no shame to your game.

    It's high time the Watchtower learned that they aren't the only ones who know how to exit DOS. (Shout out to Teri McMillian)

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Looks like a good book elder-schmelder

    This is an interesting though to make them question what is writen..... could be a good thing

  • blindnomore

    The interesting but sad thing is that this culture of paranoia couple with false analogy is continued even after leaving the Watchtower Organization.

    De-converting is one thing, reforming is another thing. Once you successfully achievd in both area, you are trully freed.

  • james_woods
    The interesting but sad thing is that this culture of paranoia couple with false analogy is continued even after leaving the Watchtower Organization.

    Could it be that the "Anonymous" effort is itself paranoid - because it will not stand up in the light of day and identify itself and its goals?

    I call B.S. on "Anonymous" until it does so.

  • blindnomore

    Well, James, You are one of my role model and goal in that who are comfortable being in public with your identity.(I am assuming you are using your real name and real photo of yourself). A lot of us on this board are anonymous for various reasons. Some are best just being unidentified or anonymous for the special purpose and/or goal not because of fear or being decitful.

    For example, 'blondi' is one of my favorite anonymouse. I don't ever need to know her true identity to believe in her. Besides, her Avatar is cool. It fits perfect to her reputation. But I can smell BS from miles away if some fool tries. For now I am giving benefit of doubt to 'Anonymous.'


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