Sometimes, no matter how you post, we recognize you for who you are:
Come... take the free gift of the water of life!
by tec 143 Replies latest jw friends
Tec did you ever gone to a psychiatrist?
I think you have some delusional disorder.
Cofty, we already know that JustMom is that leader. And while people here swear that Tammy is a different person, I have seen more and more that she at least morphed into an identical personality to her leader, if indeed, she is a different person.
Look, I rarely call you on this accusation, OTWO... because it is not like I have never thought similar things. So this is not a judgment against you. That would make me a hypocrite. But just truth, so that you can hopefully stop lying to yourself and as a result, to others.
If the above is what you call knowing, then you're going to have to understand why someone like me (who hears the same things and who has spoken to each of the people you say you know are the same person)... and people who already know that Justmom is her own person, including Justmom herself... can't put much faith in your knowledge. Because we know that what you call knowing, is untrue.
As for being similar... yes, those who belong to Christ and those who hear His voice and follow Him will do and say similar things. Because we follow the same Lord and Christ. We learn from Him. He teaches and leads us, and He is not divided. That is simply as it should be.
Peace to you,
Muddy Waters
Village girl, just have to say that I loved your post. :)
Not only that but the message change from person to person. Their is more that 32,000 flavor of cristianity in the word. Even more crazy is that within all those flavors, individual people holds completely different believes.
Christianity the religion... IS... a house divided.
But Christ did not come to institute a new religion. HE is calling people OUT of her. All of her.
Just because someone calls themselves a christian or states that their religion is truth, or even states that they have heard from Christ... does not make it so. That is why we are told to TEST the inspired expressions. Not only that, but we can KNOW that Christ is not leading the wts... because its teachings are against Him. Same with all religions. Sure, they have some truth in them... all religions do. That is how people who are seeking truth are lured to them to begin with. The flaw is in thinking that there must be one true religion.
There is no true religion.
There is only the Truth who is Christ.
Tec you are a narcissist. You feel special and superior to anyone else and all you want is attention.
You feel special and superior when you say the supposed hightest being in the universe speaks specific things in your ears.
And you seek attention when you debate with nonsense in a forum of rational people, and unfortunately you get a lot of attention.
Where I live there's a saying: Don't clap to a crazy to dance. We're all clapping to you because it's funny to see you crazy dancing with your delusional "arguments". It's funny to us but it's danger to your mental health.
"There is only the Truth who is Christ." - tec
Ok, let me take another approach. How do you know that christ is the "truth". Why not zeus or anubis. They were "real" at some point (or at least the people that worshipped them believed so) . What about Gitche Manitou?
Believing in any of these gods will be as good as believing in yours. What make you think that yours is the "truth"?
For the Record..
"JustMom","Shelby/aguest" and "tec" are 3 seperate people..
Shelby no longer posts on JWN..
"JustMom","Shelby/aguest" and "tec" are 3 seperate people..
It's very clear these accounts belongs to a same person.
Three persons but one substance.
But tec does not believe in trinity, nevermind!
Funny thing if you consider Lars is Christ, so tec listen to Lars in her mind.
This thread is painful. Don't know why I clicked. Never again.