After some considerable thought I have decided that I will no longer post on this forum because I want to return to Jehovah. Thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years. I wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make. But as I suspect many realise I have never really fit in here. It took a very long time for me to be swayed by apostate viewpoints and I have ultimately decided not to pursue that line of thought any further. I have said sorry to Jehovah and the congregation and hope he can forgive me so I can pursue what is the best way of life on earth. There is no hope outside of the truth. Only when you consider leaving do you realise how true that is. Jehovah is a loving God who can forgive even the worst sins.
Goodbye JWD/JWN (my last post)
by slimboyfat 406 Replies latest jw friends
Good luck, tell big J we said "hi" and to go easy with the smiting.
Yes, and please give our best regards to your lesbian JW relatives, won't you?
Awww, snap!
You'll be missed.
Captain Obvious
You said there is no hope outside the truth ... But on other threads you state ad nauseum that there is no truth , no facts , etc... You are right, you don't fit in here.
Of course you are joking about "returning to jehovah" lol good luck, see you at the big A
That is unfortunate that you are leaving as I really enjoyed reading your posts. Plz send me a PM as I would still like to keep in contact with you, on a friends basis. Don't worry I won't discuss apostate stuff. up to you and thanks
Are you gonna tell the elders that you posted here 8461 times? Lol.
LoisLane looking for Superman
??? Is this a Scottish type of joke???
Are you really going SlimBoy ?
I will miss you.
Found Sheep
You may not have found life out side the "truth" but, yes a great life is there.
Good luck either way