Watchtower Society owns Airplane

by Amazing 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    The Watchtower Society owns an airplane ... and it had an incident which was filed with teh FAA / NTSB.

    Try this:


    On June 12, 1995, at 1530 Alaska daylight time, a wheel equipped Cessna 402B airplane, N710WS, registered to and operated by the Watchtower Bible Organization and Tract Society, collapsed its nose gear while taxiing back after landing. The business flight, operating under 14 CFR Part 91, departed Good News, Alaska, and the destination was Tuntutuliak, Alaska. No flight plan was filed and visual meteorological conditions prevailed. The airline transport certificated pilot and the three passengers were not injured and the airplane was substantially damaged.

    According to the Director of the Watchtower Bible Organization, who was also a passenger on the airplane, they were taxiing back to the ramp after landing. The runway had just been graded and a small depression in the runway's surface was filled with soft material. The airplane's nose gear rolled into the depression and the nose gear collapsed.

    The Director of the Watchtower Bible Organization stated that the soft area on the runway had been marked with yellow cones. He stated that the runway maintenance person told them the cones were removed so the runway surface could be graded. The cones had not been replaced.

    There were no NOTAMS (Notice to Airmen) issued. The Alaska Supplement, however, states that runway conditions are not monitored and that a visual inspection is recommended. The supplement states that there are dips and ruts to 4 inches deep.

    For some odd reason the link is failing to transfer ... so I have shown the text from the FCC until I can figure this out.

  • StinkyPantz

    Linky no worky:

    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'

    Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ','.

    /ntsb/brief2.asp , line 15

  • Matty

    Stinky/Amazing - On a link that contains a "&" symbol, the software on this board changes it to "&" - this makes the link not work. You won't be able to edit it either (unless you use a non-IE browser). Copy the text of the link and paste it on the address bar to make it work.

  • ignored_one

    On June 12, 1995, at 1530 Alaska daylight time, a wheel equipped Cessna 402B airplane, N710WS, registered to and operated by the Watchtower Bible Organization and Tract Society, collapsed its nose gear while taxiing back after landing. The business flight, operating under 14 CFR Part 91, departed Good News, Alaska, and the destination was Tuntutuliak, Alaska. No flight plan was filed and visual meteorological conditions prevailed. The airline transport certificated pilot and the three passengers were not injured and the airplane was substantially damaged.

    According to the Director of the Watchtower Bible Organization, who was also a passenger on the airplane, they were taxiing back to the ramp after landing. The runway had just been graded and a small depression in the runway's surface was filled with soft material. The airplane's nose gear rolled into the depression and the nose gear collapsed.

    The Director of the Watchtower Bible Organization stated that the soft area on the runway had been marked with yellow cones. He stated that the runway maintenance person told them the cones were removed so the runway surface could be graded. The cones had not been replaced.

    There were no NOTAMS (Notice to Airmen) issued. The Alaska Supplement, however, states that runway conditions are not monitored and that a visual inspection is recommended. The supplement states that there are dips and ruts to 4 inches deep.

    Ignored One.

  • Amazing

    Okay ... I have shown the FCC report and will try to fix the link later on. Thanks for your patience.

  • Gopher

    A yearbook of JW's from the 1980's had a feature on the history of the WTS in Alaska. It showed a picture of an airplane used to reach remote destinations. Apparently it was either for the circuit overseer to reach congregations unreachable by car (even the state capitol, Juneau, is in that predicament) or it might have been used by pioneers trying to spread the Watchtower gospel in more secluded areas of the state.

    In the mid-1980's our circuit overseer had just arrived here in Minnesota from a 3-year stint as circuit overseer in Alaska. (The name was John Magnuson and his wife, Dawn.) They frequently had to reach certain cities by plane.

  • cat1759
    departed Good News, Alaska, and the destination was Tuntutuliak, Alaska.

    So there actually is a place called Good News, Alasaka?

    Why don't they move all Jws up to Good News? This might give God a chance to actually have them under one roof if the end comes.


  • Matty

    I suppose in that circumstance the Society would need a plane to get to all those isolated communities, but it must be an extremely expensive business for the Circuit Overseer to fly around the congregations - he would need a pilot to come along with him as well, and his needs would have to be catered for as well. Unless they train the CO's to fly as well, that wouldn't surprise me!

    Thank you for all your research today, it's been very interesting!

    BTW you will not be able to post that link, so don't even try - trust me - as I said before, it's impossible unless you use a non-IE browser - even if you click on HTML mode it will still mess up the link - one for Simon to look at maybe?

  • Euphemism

    I know there've been WT articles about the witnesses using private planes to preach in isolated communities in Alaska. I do believe it mentioned that they owned a plane.

  • amac

    They also own a couple cars...


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