Learn From A Great Teacher

by garyneal 7 Replies latest members adult

  • garyneal

    The Watchtower publishes a book for parents to read to their children called "Learn From a Great Teacher." My wife has had copies of this book for years and has read them to my little girl in the past. Is there anything in this book that I should be concerned about? When I look at what some former Jehovah's Witnesses have been taught during their childhood, they claim that the stories sometimes depict events in Armaggedon and show individuals being destroyed by Jehovah. Claiming that only faithful Jehovah's Witnesses survive it. Does this book teach that or does this book teach the plain and simple teachings of Christ.

    I've read some of it, but not too much of it. My main concern is that my child will end up growing up with some of the same phobias that my wife had when I met her. My wife has anxiety attacks when she is in a large crowd, her sister is somewhat bipolar and has suffered bouts of depression. My wife has this belief for a while that God is just looking to destroy you the first time you do something wrong. Both my wife and her sister are on medication.

    I'm not saying this to make them look bad for on balance they lead very decent lives. However, from what I've read Dr. Bergman say about Jehovah's Witnesses in general and their higher rates of mental illnesses and witnessing personally what my wife and her sister have had to go through, I begin to wonder if there is a connection. They were raised as JW's and with their mother being so devout, I'm sure they were read every piece of Watchtower literature ever published for children.

  • jookbeard

    Be concerned about all WTS publications Gary, they are all filled with lies , false hoods and failed prophecy , do the honorable thing Gary and visit the trash can, that is the best possible place for all WTS printed matter

  • blondie

    Bipolar is a medical disease not caused by reading material. It is genetic and careful study of the family tree will most likely find other family members past and current who had/have it. It is much like diabetes in that it is not caused by outside sources. Can it be aggravated, sure.

    The new book which replaced the one you mention has very bad information about child abuse/molestation.


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    This is sooo starnge that you bring this topic up today ! I drive school bus and this morning a little girl was reading from this book to another girl she was sitting with . They were right behind me and I could hear she was reading about Armaggedon . I know she is not a witness so I asked her where she got the book and she said her best friend is a witness a gave it to her . After she got of at her stop I asked the other girl if what she heard from the book scared her at all and she said NO that she found it interesting ...

  • garyneal


    Well, it is interesting that you point out that mental illnesses (bipolar) are medical diseases. I knew my wife had panic attacks but not once did I consider how her religion could play a part in mental illnesses until I read Dr. Bergman's website. Then I started putting the pieces together. Her constant fear of God killing her if she so much as participates the holidays or birthdays (let alone enjoy them). The severe depression that her sister had that nearly led her to suicide. In her sisters case, something traumatic happened so it may not have been anything to do with the religion but when I relate it to my own experiences.

    I too was in a very legalistic church (not the JW) and would often feel like the whole religion thing was pointless (can't please God no matter what I do) and even became depressed over it myself. I finally left that church and did not attend church for years, then was off and on about it afterwards.

    I'm concerned about what my wife teaches my daughter because I do not want her to have these same mental disorders. Whether a religion is the cause of it or not, I can say from personal experience that it can be a major contributer. I began falling under those same 'hopeless' feelings this past summer when I noticed that the Watchtower dogma was starting to sink in to my thinking. That was when I started researching the Bible and the Watchtower and found out some startling things about them and learned that so much of what they do is very unbiblical. In fact, that was about the time when I first came across Dr. Bergman's website.

  • Chalam

    Is there anything in this book that I should be concerned about?


    Wrong spirit in the books 1 Timothy 4 . You need the Holy Spirit John 14:26

    All the best,


  • Chalam

    JWs and those from other legalistic churches need to read Jesus' words carefully.

    Matthew 11:28-30 (New International Version)

    28 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

    If you are under heavy burdens it is likely not the Holy Spirit. He brings life.

    John 10:10 (New International Version)

    10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

    All the best, Stephen

  • keeshondgirl

    Maybe you can go to a book store and get a simple bible story book that isn't really affiliated with any religious group and just replace the great teacher book.

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