The Watchtower publishes a book for parents to read to their children called "Learn From a Great Teacher." My wife has had copies of this book for years and has read them to my little girl in the past. Is there anything in this book that I should be concerned about? When I look at what some former Jehovah's Witnesses have been taught during their childhood, they claim that the stories sometimes depict events in Armaggedon and show individuals being destroyed by Jehovah. Claiming that only faithful Jehovah's Witnesses survive it. Does this book teach that or does this book teach the plain and simple teachings of Christ.
I've read some of it, but not too much of it. My main concern is that my child will end up growing up with some of the same phobias that my wife had when I met her. My wife has anxiety attacks when she is in a large crowd, her sister is somewhat bipolar and has suffered bouts of depression. My wife has this belief for a while that God is just looking to destroy you the first time you do something wrong. Both my wife and her sister are on medication.
I'm not saying this to make them look bad for on balance they lead very decent lives. However, from what I've read Dr. Bergman say about Jehovah's Witnesses in general and their higher rates of mental illnesses and witnessing personally what my wife and her sister have had to go through, I begin to wonder if there is a connection. They were raised as JW's and with their mother being so devout, I'm sure they were read every piece of Watchtower literature ever published for children.