just gonna say it!

by losingit 22 Replies latest members adult

  • losingit

    Separated from my husband.....

    He doesn't pay my bills. What he gives me now is basically what he gave me when we were married-- enough to take care of the girls, and that's it. So there is no difference in that category.

    He doesn't clean, cook, wash, organize, or help in any way around my home.... just like it was when we were married.

    He doesn't listen to me, talk to me, show empathy or concern.... just like it was for the last 3 years of our marriage.

    Whereas we were often having sex, we rarely made love.... so although that's different, I'd honestly rather be making love, forget sex.

    So..... why the hell does it matter to anyone else BUT ME if I am making love to another man who is NOT married to me, that does help me around the house, that does listen to me, talk to me, show me empathy and concern? why the hell does it matter to anyone else BUT ME that I am making love to another man who is NOT married to me, that does help me out financially once in a while?

    We make love! It's beautiful! I've never felt like this or been like this ever before! Not even when I was married!

    Why is this wrong? !

    I know why...................... BECAUSE IT IS NOT!!!!!!!!!!!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Hi LosingIt ... LOL.. I am glad you have NOT lost it. lol

    I do not know (none of my business) where you are with Christanity , and God "seeing" everything, but I would hope he would look down and say,

    "Oh what a beautiful thing it is when two humans, who care about each other make beautiful music together".

    No justifications, needed.

    Mutual happiness is the goal.

    I am very happy for you and your "Love".

    Without Love, what is Life?

    Just Lois

  • Fernando

    Humans are meant for love - not religion.

  • nugget

    It is totally your business and no one elses unless you chose to share the information with them. You deserve to be appreciated and if your ex was too dumb to appreciste that then it is his loss.

  • caliber

    It seems the two extreme's in mates complaints are either" being smothered" or else "neglected"


    First sign, does your whole world evolve around your mate? For example, do you not have any interest outside of your relationship? Some people do not have any activities apart from their mate. This can be dangerous. Now I know some of my readers will write me saying how in love they are and all they need is their significant other, which is good lyrics for a love song but in the real world people who want a healthy relationship need to keep some sort of individuality

    Second sign, do you find yourself getting mad when your mate wants to hang out with people other than you? I’m not talking about getting mad when your spouse want to hang out with people who you think are a bad influence on your marriage, which is a whole different subject and that article is coming later. What I’m talking about is you getting upset at the mere thought of your mate doing something fun apart from you

    The third sign, do you and your mate do activities that ONLY you like? To figure this out you may need to have a heart to heart with your spouse. Oftentimes we can be into an activity as an individual and we forget that other people may find it boring. The woman may want to see a Lakers game and her husband may want to go to the opera.

    the cruelty of neglect

    The most common reason women give for leaving their husbands is "mental cruelty." When legal grounds for divorce are stated, about half report they have been emotionally abused. But the mental cruelty they describe is rarely the result of their husband's efforts to drive them crazy. It is usually husbands being indifferent, failing to communicate and demonstrating other forms of neglect.

    Another reason for divorce reported almost as much as mental cruelty is "neglect" itself. These include both emotional abandonment and physical abandonment. Husbands that work away from the home, sometimes leaving their wives alone for weeks at a time, fall into this category.


    Each must deal with the real world and real emotions both during and after breakups as they see fit and can cope ...I suppose


  • Comatose

    It's Friday a fun day. Tell us more about this love making.

  • Xanthippe

    I'm glad you've found someone to love, who loves you back, that's all that matters.

  • Vidiot

    Take good care of your new man; he sounds like he deserves it.

  • losingit

    Caliber-- spot on about the emotional neglect. I wish I had a chance to smother the husband while we were married, lol but he didn't give me enough time to do that. He didn't let me make the friends i wanted to make but he got to hang out whenever, wherever to do whatever.

    So yes! Vidiot, Xanthippe, and Comatose-- making love is beautiful! When it's all out passionate we wind up in fun new positions, nothing planned :-) And when it's soothing, it's sweetness with giggles all over topped with hugs n kisses. I feel appreciated, respected, loved. I don't feel like a piece of meat; I don't feel owned; I don't feel obligated. I'm free!

  • Comatose


    I'm glad you are happy finally! Congrats girl.

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