Judicial Hearing Procedures of Jehovah's Witnesses are Bible Based

by 00DAD 30 Replies latest members private

  • 00DAD

    Some Points to Ponder:

    This came up recently in another thread and the subject is so important that I thought it warranted its own thread.

    The modern judicial hearing procedures of Jehovah's Witnesses are based on a Bible account.

    It's a fairly familiar account. You'll recognize it immediately:

    An individual is required to appear before numerous judges against his will. He is not allowed any representation or even anyone to accompany him simply for moral support. He is not told the charges prior to the hearing, nor is he informed what the evidence is against him or who the witnesses will be. He is outnumbered by both his accusers and the judges. No outside, independent observers are allowed to insure that his civil rights are not violated nor are there any formal, public records kept of the judicial proceedings. He stands alone.

    Do you recognize this account? Does it sound familiar? As a model for modern day Judicial Hearings of Jehovah's Witnesses, who does the individual represent? Who do the judges represent? Do you think the results of that Biblical judicial proceeding were just or not? Why or why not?

    Which side would you have wanted to be on in the Biblical account? Which side, if any, do you find yourself on today?

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  • Marvin Shilmer
    Marvin Shilmer


    Jesus Christ was disfellowshipped the old fashioned way (literally killing him) as an apostate. This judicial decision was formed and handed down by the then top leadership on earth of Jehovah’s people. The judicial committee was rather large by Watchtower standards, but it was a judicial committee nevertheless.

    Watchtower’s judicial system is, apparently, biblical!

    Watchtower policy took their protocol right from the playbook!

    Marvin Shilmer


  • Knowsnothing

    You're talking about the OT accounts, right? Wasn't Jehovah always present in the outcomes of the cases? He would never let someone fall through the cracks.

  • tec

    I believe Marvin got it. OODAD is talking about Christ - his trial and sentence.



  • thetrueone

    Another segment of power portrayed out by the WTS's spiritually directed seers.

    The high priests of the ancient Hebrews could have a person killed for opposing them and their practicing worship.

    There was no public announcing DF for incidental acts of bad behavior, just a broad based warning to not associate with ones who were

    identified as behaving badly (evil) .

  • Sheep2slaughter

    I so wish I had came onto this site before my judicial meeting. I kinda crucified myself. Could have worked it better. I guess there's always next time! Lol

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  • 00DAD

    In a JW Judicial Hearing, the person with everything at stake has no power; the people with all the power and authority have nothing at stake! And they shouldn't either. If they do, then they should recuse themselves from the Judicial Committee. Although I know in practice many elders do sit on cases that they should not be involved with because of conflicts of interest.

    Add to that the fact that a lot of what happens is at the whim of the elders, men that--even in the best case scenario--simply are NOT qualified to adjudicate situations which often affects the rest of a person's entire life and generally his extended family as well.

    Professional judges must be highly educated and experienced before they are allowed to even hear cases involving minor traffic violations. Yet JWs have window cleaners and pool-men making decisions that often result in families being torn apart.

    Even when the elders mean well and have the best on intentions, they simply cannot be just. Why not? The entire JW judicial system, its rules and procedures, is based on a Pharisaical model that more closely resembles the trial of Jesus than anything else, and we all know how that turned out.

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  • thetrueone

    The DF policy designated by the WTS. is NOT scripturally based, particularly in regards to making a public

    announcement and the punishment of shunning by all including family members.

    This a blatant example of going beyond what is written in the bible.

    It was designed to protect the power structure of the WTS. organization and its own outward public image.

    Ironical if you point this out to JW elders you would be DF for apostasy.

  • 00DAD

    thetrueone: The DF policy designated by the WTS. is NOT scripturally based, particularly in regards to making a public announcement and the punishment of shunning by all including family members.

    I agree with you. Just to clarify, the point I was trying to make in my OP was only in regard to the Judicial Hearing process and point out the frightening similarity to the trial of Jesus. There are clearly lots of things the WTBTS makes up that are not Scriptural.

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  • thetrueone

    I know 00DAD


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