I recently started a thread about my mother with respect to her anointment/mental illness (and or).
I’ve been surfing through some links starting with jwfacts and on to watchman and other sites. I came across this one while gathering info on the subject. I found this one interesting in a different perspective now. It started me thinking/wondering what the governing body’s state of mind might be like if at least ½ of them are suffering from schizophrenia? I’m serious, no joke! http://www.watchman.org/jw/anointd1.htm
Reed, a long time Watchtower watcher, notes the reason for the change is obvious.
He explained that of the 8,850 remaining Anointed, over half are women and therefore ineligible and of the remaining men, most are in their late seventies or older.
Reed summarized the Watchtower's dilemma stating: "The organization faces turning over leadership to men who are eligible but incompetent, or else changing the rules of eligibility to permit competent younger men to assume control" (Ibid).
Based on the response from those who posted to my thread, it seems that there may just be quite a few anointed that actually do suffer from mental illness. I’m not even going to suggest that those who profess to be anointed are mentally ill, or those who do suffer from mental illness that profess to be anointed are not anointed. But how would those sitting on the governing body interview potential new members if ½ the applicants are mentally ill and ½ the anointed governing body are also mentally ill?
I would like to be a fly on the wall during some of those interviews!
Do any of the current members of the governing body have history of paranoia or odd behavior? …OK I know Rutherford was a bootlegger and Russell had a thing for pyramids but what about the present members or those that presided during the last few decades?
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