I’ve been on the board a little over six months. Before coming here I would tell people: I can be surprised, but never shocked. That’s no longer true after reading through the topics and comments. I left the WTS thirty years ago, my choice, no one chased after me, spied on me or made “friendly” unexpected visits. I left and never heard from anyone until years later when I DA’d and a couple of suits came for a visit that lasted about three minutes, which is a story unto itself.
I make no defense for the Society past or present and do not suggest that the WT has never been anything than what it is, a life and family-destroying cult. What shocks me is the Body of Elders arraignment. What I have read on this board about the BOE is mind-boggling. To me that one thing alone should have rank and file JWs thundering out the front door in droves. I’m shocked and don’t get it. How can anyone one voluntarily live under that kind of physiological brutality?