Adam sinned and the whole world is suffering since
Does the penalty fit the crime?
by JH 5 Replies latest jw friends
Definitely not. But Adam was always going to sin, no two ways about it... God would've been bored sitting up there watching down on a perfect little world, he needed some drama...
That whole Adam & Eve thing bothers me. If God is all knowing ,then he knew they were going to sin even before he warned them about the Forbidden Fruit,so actually God knew how things were going to be and the end results.So why are jws allowed to eat apples ?
Either the Bible is a book from men, or its divine author loves sending confusing messages.
In one breath, the Bible teaches that each person is responsible for their own actions, and answers for their own sins.
In other places, the Hebrew God is shown as bringing vengeance for the errors of fathers upon future generations. This is the side of the Hebrew God we see presented to us in the doctrinal of "original sin" -- expounded on by Paul where he wrote we all die because the first man sinned.
Oh well, the story in Genesis is just a Hebrew tale trying to make sense out of the quandary of our existence -- that we want to live forever but we don't.
Something similar has been asked here before and I'll say now what I said then:
If my older child does something wrong should I punish all my other children, too?
And why do so many women have to go through agonising birth pains - some to die - just because their great (to the umpteenth) grandmother sinned?
God is love, so that story has got to be hogwash! No doubt it was written to keep order amongst the Jews at the time, i.e. don't sin against God (or our leaders) or else you'll pay the price (the JWs have a similar reasoning today).
Some animals have problem births and many species of bird can become eggbound and die. I don't recall their doing anything wrong in the Garden of Eden!
There is no penalty to fit because there never was any crime.
How about David and Bathsheba.
They sin, their son dies. Why was the kid punished?