The story of my life (part 11- interlude)

by onacruse 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • onacruse

    First, I must apologize for being so tardy in responding to what many of you have posted; you know me well enough that I mean no insult by so doing. Just started a new job, which is keeping me very busy.

    It's a fairly long drive that I have, and as I watch the highway stripes zip by, I have ample time to think about all this stuff--and I feel compelled to offer an off-topic thought.

    In the grand scheme of things, what is the Watchtower Society? Who are Jehovah's Witnesses? After spending tens of billions of hours doing door-to-door preaching (supposedly the most effective way of disseminating the truth) and distributing hundreds of billions of pieces of literature, for well over a century...less than 0.01% of humanity has been "convinced" that this religion is the truth.

    If this is the way God is using to convince the world of humanity that the WTS is the correct way, then He's doing a damn piss-poor job of it.

    And thus the irony of my conflicts: why would any reasonable person volunteer to continue in such a demonstrably ineffective way of life? Better to buy penny stocks in a business that is on the verge of Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

    Just a thought.


  • AuldSoul
    Just a thought.

    And an excellent one, at that. Now...on with the story. Chop! Chop!

  • heathen
    why would any reasonable person volunteer to continue in such a demonstrably ineffective way of life?

    I think you already stated it , your parents were dubs and you were brainwashed early in life and it's the only way of life you knew . I'm glad I wasn't raised that way , those poor kids that just want to be kids and play with whoever they can at school or just want to fit in without creating some sort of scene in class because they don't pledge allegiance . Did you raise your kids in it ?

  • Seeker4


    Have enjoyed your story. Not unlike my own.

    I can remember the day - as I drove away from a prison after studying with an inmate - when I realized how stupid house to house preaching was. I remember pulling off to the side of the road and thinking that if I were god, I'd use some amazing way to let people know they were all about to be destroyed if they didn't listen to me and change their ways, and it sure as hell wouldn't be going house to house!!

    Instead, the Witnesses had embarked on a method of preaching that was arrogant (we have the truth and we're here to tell you what it is. shut up and listen.), that pissed off and alienated 100 people (1000?) for every single person who would actually listen, and that was just an incredible waste of time and resources. I remember as a regular pioneer once spending four months in the house to house work without ever having a conversation with one person. My god...


  • luna2

    Makes me feel like a moron that I was one of those who responded to this ineffective method. It's embarrassing to look back, having come out the other side of this weird JW life, and wonder wtf was/is wrong with me. I'm still struggling with the knowledge that I am not the person I have always thought I am.

  • Gill

    Hi Onacruse!

    I think some people feel compelled to serve this book company mascquerading as a religion, because, even though it's insignicficant in the grand scheme of things they are fooled by WTBTS propaganda.

    They claim that 'broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction and narrow and rocky the road leading to life and few are the ones finding it', applies only to the followers of the WTBTS, People like to feel 'special' and sadly to look down on others.

    Some are hoodwinked by the WTBTS because of their very own lack of knowledge of the Bible and history and so will believe anything they are told without researching into whether it is true or not. In short, they like the simple life, when it comes to mental gymnastics. They want someone else to do all the thinking and they'll just blindly follow.

    Some are born into it and don't KNOW any better until one day, something conflicts with what they WANT to do and they start to wake up and, they're in for one big shock.

    So, that's why I believe some people still follow the Book Company. IMHO.

  • stillajwexelder

    As the Koran says - Man is but a spurt of ejected semen" JWs are nothing in the scheme of things

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