JW most violent in "friendly" sports?
by void 6 Replies latest jw friends
There seems to be a void in your comment, Void!
However, I would agree wholeheartely with that! (wholeheartedly! How Jdub is that!!!!)
I can think of quite a few JWs seriously injured with broken limbs, ribs, arms, collarbones, severe ligament strains etc in 'friendly' JW football activities just in the cong we used to go to. Seems to bring the total looney out in JWs, a bit of physical activity. It comes from having to sit toooo long reading the WTBTS literature!
I am sorry my story was here http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/100224/1.ashx
sorry for the spelling as usual.
oh yes, the sunday afternoon "game of football"
We used to play on my old school field, My dad was an elder and he was the biggest yobbo of them all lol! The fights him and the other elders used to get up to in full view of the passing public mind you! Very very competitive, it was like watching lions devour a zebra on Discovery! I used to have the odd kick around with them but they all thought they played for Man Utd or Liverpool!!! And when we had visiting "yobbos" they used to be even worse. My mates brother joined Bethel, and on one of his "celestial" visits back to our humble squat of a congreagtion, he'd bring back the rest of the boorish oiks he met there. Never met a bigger bunch of arrogant pricks in my life. I used to make sure i played then!!!! Nothing beats a dirty tackle from behind and half crippling s Bethelite!!! Teach him to call me a son of a publisher, as i stomped on his arm and mentioned that my father was actually playing and as Presiding Overseer will be contacting his congreagtion on his conduct! tosser! -
I remember one particular elder was extremely competitive. There were 2 types of football games set up in our area. One with all ages coming along and one more more older adults (age 15+).
My husband used to take our son when he was about 14, but they had to stop cos my husband said they where like lunatics and after a while the elders even banned them from playing football cos they where getting injured, broken bones and stuff.
Not that I agreed with them banning adults, I mean whats that all about ??
My son lost his front teeth playing jw rugby league. They searched the field and found them. Cost me $4,500 to have them put back in.....No one offered to help with the cost.