Building Your Own Rudder

by Coded Logic 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Some thoughts on meaning, human nature, and the initial difficulties of learning TTATT.

    It's not just the fear of the wild, the untamed, or the untraversed regions of the mind that drives JWs to seek shelter in the dim and dark citadels of their ignorance - seemingly protected from the insoluble mysteries of their universe.  But it's also the fact that the winds of reality can, at times, be cold and harsh and can rain storm and thunder upon everything they thought they knew.  So the JWs take refuge behind their unenlightened walls where they feel safe from the uncertain, protected from the unknown, and oblivious to that terrifying chasm that stands between existence . . . and meaning.
    It's truly unfortunate that the abyss is something most minds cannot easily comprehend. Because no two people can use the same bridge to get across.  The connection between existence and meaning can only ever be built by its wayfarer.  And, far too often, JWs surrender their identity - their life's meaning - to conformity. All the while seeking inspiration in the white noise of their ancient book, new age beliefs, or in the comfort of ceremonial rites (baptism), religious customs (service), and the long preformed sacraments of ancient communions (memorial).  But the pathway out of darkness is not in the catacombs of ignorance.  Rather, meaning is found high up in the foothills and in the mountains of knowledge.  And, while no one knows if these peaks can ever be conquered, it is none the less true that the higher up you climb - the further out you can see.  And the further out you can see, the more likely you are to lay eyes upon your prize.

    There are plenty of things worth believing in.  And there are almost an infinite amount of causes and worthwhile pursuits.  But the religious and the supernatural are not among them.  The narrative - the story telling of our lives - must be ours and ours alone.  Meaning is not something that can be prescribed, or gifted or handed out. Rather, meaning is a pursuit, a lifelong pilgrimage, into the unknown.  It's the aspiration to be more than what we are.  It's the ability to imagine and to comprehend and, sometimes, to even do dare to do what was once thought impossible.

    Just because we've collapsed the cage doesn't mean we've escaped the cage. Just because we've realized our beliefs were false doesn't mean that we're not still trapped by the same bad reasoning that got us there in the first place. No one can walk our path for us.

    We are the custodian of life's meaning. And if we crave some cosmic purpose then we had better find ourselves a worthy goal.

    -Carl Sagan

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  • cofty
    Excellent, thank you
  • rubadubdub

    I took an online course called The Science of Happiness this fall (brief course description below). One unit recommended viewing the film, Every Three Seconds; It’s Time. This an amazing film that shows how ordinary people can effect monumental change and find meaning and happiness in their lives. I highly recommend the film and the course. You can take the course for CEUs or audit it for only $50US.

    “Created by UC Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center, the course zeroes in on a fundamental finding from positive psychology: that happiness is inextricably linked to having strong social ties and contributing to something bigger than yourself—the greater good. Students will learn about the cross-disciplinary research supporting this view, spanning the fields of psychology, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, and beyond.

    Edit: Oops, I'm logged in under my old user name!

    Sail Away 

  • millie210

    "The Story telling of our lives"

    I love that phrase.

    Thanks for such a thought filled post Coded Logic.

  • prologos

    Great thoughts for those of us that aspire to the lofty heights. thank you.

    Humankind has advanced by the strivers in all fields, but 

    the colonies of Ants, termites and bees are also successful evolutionary models, and more individuals fit into that mold ? and is wtbts  catering to them? so  

    Leave your impact as legacy, offspring, because the other two, immortality, resurrection have never been demonstrated to occur. 

    melody: " climb every mountain ". 

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic
    I just find it odd that people will look for meaning just about everywhere . . . except for the only place they can really find it - within themselves.  
  • EdenOne

    I feel that two forces are at play here:

    FEAR is the ultimate driving force behind every person's adherence to an organized religious belief system. Deep down inside we fear death, chaos, insignificance, solitude, suffering, and our personal weaknesses. Various organized belief systems in supernatural beings offer comfort answers to these fears; sometimes, paradoxically, by exacerbating those fears. 

    GUILT is the other force. It operates similar to marketing: First, create a need where there wasn't one; then, offer the product/service to satisfy that need. Take, for example, Christianity. By telling people they are hopeless sinners, Christian religions create a need for redemption in the eyes of the divinity. Once that need has been created inside people's minds, religions offer 'products' [Christ's ransom, for example] and 'services' [mass] performed by specialized agents [clerigy], in order to address the guilt of being a sinner. Guilt is exploited further by tying it with fear, as a system of reward / punishment is established to ensure that the believer is kept inside the flock [heaven vs. hell ; eternal life in paradise vs. eternal anihilation].


  • LV101

    Great article - I'm going to copy.  



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