I just finished reading Crisis of Conscience. I don't know if it was a record or anything, but I just received it the other day and I'm finished! (Obviously, not much else got done!)
My criticisms - surely Brother Franz KNOWS who spearheaded the attacks he so eloquently discusses in his book, both the witchhunt against him personally and those he witnessed during the years. Not only does he know who instigated the attacks, but I'm sure he also knows WHY they did ... and yet, he doesn't really come clean with all the details. He lumps them all together as a "body" when it comes to really laying blame. And, although he mentions who likely voted with whom, he doesn't share the "motivation" behind the story.
I WANT DETAILS . . . I want to know WHY those who voted to allow the Mexican brothers to bribe the officials felt they merited that consideration over those brothers in Malawi who were raped, beaten and killed. What was the motivation, money, property, race? He has to know more - what did they say? What were the deciding factors?
He doesn't really say who led the attack on him during his sabbatical - just weeks after he went away! He got calls - he knows who was behind it and WHY. I wanna know - what's a tell all, without the TELL ALL?
My accolades - I don't know if I could have gone through his experiences and not be more bitter. Yet, I've told you all that my 35 years in service to this organization have not left me angry and bitter, I haven't experienced the pain and attacks that he did and I'm honest enough to admit that I just don't know if I'd be where he is if I was where he was. I just don't know.
Brother Franz, if you're reading this . . . know this . . . I'm one of those who you address in the beginning of the book as "confused" and was looking for insights into the organization, probably to help me mentally reach the conclusions that my heart had already reached. And I thank you, I wanted to know about what you talked about. And having heard it, my mind has joined my heart and they have become solidified in their decision to move on . . . away from this organization, though not away from God and Christ.
To use another quote: "The truth has set me free!"