CoC Review - "Power Corrupts, Ultimate Power Corrupts Ultimately"

by Nellie 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Nellie

    I just finished reading Crisis of Conscience. I don't know if it was a record or anything, but I just received it the other day and I'm finished! (Obviously, not much else got done!)

    My criticisms - surely Brother Franz KNOWS who spearheaded the attacks he so eloquently discusses in his book, both the witchhunt against him personally and those he witnessed during the years. Not only does he know who instigated the attacks, but I'm sure he also knows WHY they did ... and yet, he doesn't really come clean with all the details. He lumps them all together as a "body" when it comes to really laying blame. And, although he mentions who likely voted with whom, he doesn't share the "motivation" behind the story.

    I WANT DETAILS . . . I want to know WHY those who voted to allow the Mexican brothers to bribe the officials felt they merited that consideration over those brothers in Malawi who were raped, beaten and killed. What was the motivation, money, property, race? He has to know more - what did they say? What were the deciding factors?

    He doesn't really say who led the attack on him during his sabbatical - just weeks after he went away! He got calls - he knows who was behind it and WHY. I wanna know - what's a tell all, without the TELL ALL?

    My accolades - I don't know if I could have gone through his experiences and not be more bitter. Yet, I've told you all that my 35 years in service to this organization have not left me angry and bitter, I haven't experienced the pain and attacks that he did and I'm honest enough to admit that I just don't know if I'd be where he is if I was where he was. I just don't know.

    Brother Franz, if you're reading this . . . know this . . . I'm one of those who you address in the beginning of the book as "confused" and was looking for insights into the organization, probably to help me mentally reach the conclusions that my heart had already reached. And I thank you, I wanted to know about what you talked about. And having heard it, my mind has joined my heart and they have become solidified in their decision to move on . . . away from this organization, though not away from God and Christ.

    To use another quote: "The truth has set me free!"

  • jgnat
    I WANT DETAILS . . . I want to know WHY those who voted to allow the Mexican brothers to bribe the officials felt they merited that consideration over those brothers in Malawi who were raped, beaten and killed. What was the motivation, money, property, race? He has to know more - what did they say? What were the deciding factors?

    I am not an insider, but I do understand how large corporations work. The Watchtower Society behaves and makes decisions exactly like a large, established corporation. Putting their behavior in to this context helps me to understand why they do what they do. So, in the end, the society is neither a Faithful Slave or an Evil Empire, run neither by the Holy Spirit or by Satan. The WTBTS is run by a committee of ageing, faceless bureaucrats who go for the safe choice every time.

    Why did they allow the Malawians to suffer? Because they were far enough away to be convenient examples of modern-day persecution. Malawi average publishers 2004, 58,620.

    Why did they make an exception in Mexico? Numbers and proximity. Compare the amount of media coverage received over Hurricane Katrina damage in New Orleans compared to the earthquake in Pakistan. Proportionally, which disaster killed more people? We can't help it, those of us in North America are more concerned about disasters at home. Mexico average publishers 2004, 581,651. The Governing Body simply chickened out, fearing backlash.

    What could a poor Malawian do to complain? Walk on water across the great Atlantic ocean to babble in Malawese on the front steps of Bethel? By comparison, what would the uproar have been from the hispanic population if ten times the numbers of JW's were being persecuted there?

  • BluesBrother

    One of the great strengths of Franz's book is that it is free of personal hit backs and vendettas . Franz knows the answers to your q's but but by remaining discreet, he lumps the blame where it belongs - on an organization and the organization mentality. I recall the comment that we are "victims of victims"

    So I think his book is the stronger for that . BTW congrats on your breaking free.. it is hell after so many years, isn't it..

  • Forscher

    I wouldn't mind having details as well. But I imagine that Franz had to be careful about doing that since it is always possible that that he could've been sued by any person he fingered specifically. Since Governing Body members are probaply not considered "public" persons under the law, they could recover much more easily for slander. Since the WTBTS would've been footing the legal bills, Franz would've been dead in the water if that'd happened. So I can understand his reluctance to get specific in that matter.


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    I thought the reason they made an exception was because they wanted to stay on good terms with the Mexican government because for many years they couldn't own real estate if they were a religious organization. The WT was expecting that the situation would change, and it did. Any comments?

  • TopHat
    WANT DETAILS . . . I want to know WHY those who voted to allow the Mexican brothers to bribe the officials felt they merited that consideration over those brothers in Malawi who were raped, beaten and killed. What was the motivation, money, property, race? He has to know more - what did they say? What were the deciding factors?

    The book CoC is an eye opener for sure! I can't help but cry tears of grief for the Malawi families.

  • Nellie

    As I was posting my questions, I knew the probable answers and comments - but that doesn't stop me from wanting to know! You're right, if Franz had specifically said who was behind the witchhunt, he would probably have been sued for slander. I'm sure his editors and lawyers helped him frame the material in such a way as to protect him from harm.

    Our loss, perhaps you know though - what does the next book address?

    Blues: It's hell and heaven and everything in between!


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