If someone says "I have a life" because I have kids, husband, etc,etc....does that mean that the other person doesn't have life or does that make their life more meaningful than a person who doesn't have this or that?
What does "Get a life" mean?
by MsMcDucket 6 Replies latest jw friends
Usually, "having a life" means that someone does not fiddle the time away but has something useful to do.
It depends on who is saying it.
Women say it to get a pushy guy off their back and vice versa in a romantic sense. It can be such a blow off.
We can say it to someone who is meddling in our business.
Often people will say, "I have a life," and try to make you feel smaall as a way of giving you a low condecending (sp) undertow to a conversation.
Sometimes I think people say that when they could be the most miserable they have ever been. I don't know about you, but when someone goes on and on about how this and that is always the best, I tend to think they are trying to convince themselves. Perhaps got themselves in to deep and cannot turn around and suck it up. Admit they were wrong, misled, anything that requires eating some crow. Funny thing is, when you say you were wrong..there is more help there than you can imagine.
People are so much more forgiving than we were taught to be as JW's.
It is good to be out and perhaps when you have to say this, maybe it will be a good thing... in that you are saying, "Get out of my business."
When I'm not working or dealing with my family(I have a husband, children, grandson, a job.), I'm on the computer. I use it to kind of "zone off", get away from the "rat race" so to speak. There's been times that people have told me to "get a life" because of using the computer. So, does using the computer and being in a newsgroup make you not have a life? It helps me to keep my sanity!
My quality of life now as an anti-wachtower cult crusader is second to none,as a matter of fact i had NO life as a Jehovah's Witness cult recruiter.
More money too,as a dub making over $50k a year,i never had a car worth more than $1,500 and it was always a geeky 4 door WT approved family sedan.
I got hot wheels now and a hot babe (my mate) in the passenger seat
I have about 40,000 pages up on the web with my signature,and more everyday.Ahhhh,it doesn't get any better than this baby.
I have about 40,000 pages up on the web with my signature,and more everyday.Ahhhh,it doesn't get any better than this baby.
I'd say "you have a life"! Sounds like you're doing pretty darn good! What kind of pages do you make?
What kind of pages do you make?