The funny thing is that my JW mom saw it and laughed at it and said it was funny. Her birthday happened to be the day before, and when I called her she said to me "Aren't you going to wish me a Happy Birthday?"
I sent an online birthday card to my non JW sister yesterday...
by TresHappy 8 Replies latest jw friends
Darth Yhwh
Perhaps you should have sent your mother a card as well? Maybe she'd be more receptive than you think.
Yeah my mom was all weird when I didnt say anything about it being her birthday one year. But then my grandmother also gave me 13 dollars when I turned 13
Yet they can be such sticklers. I remember if someone had a birthday at school I was not allowed to have any of the cake but I was shocked when my mom did at a staff party. Of course I made the mistake of pointing this out and got a how dare you judge me considering what you are lecture LOL.
When was the last counsel on birthdays anyway? Isn't the rule that if a stand on something hasn't been commented on in twenty years, it's no longer valid?