Britain shutting the door on those from dowunder?

by ozziepost 3 Replies latest social current

  • ozziepost

    From this evening's news dowunder of a report in today's "The Times" from London:

    Australian citizens could lose right to British visa 4:01 PM October 26

    An overhaul of British immigration rules could end the traditional entry and settlement rights of Australian citizens with British relatives, a newspaper says.

    British daily The Times says a new points-based immigration system could end a scheme whereby Commonwealth citizens with a British grandparent are allowed to enter and settle in Britain.

    People from Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada and Zimbabwe are the most likely to be affected.

    Seems you Canucks are in "the same boat" as us, eh?
  • skinnyboy

    its only fair i say, i've had an awful time trying to stay in this country to be with my missus, have been deported once already! And only a month or two ago, some jumped up pen pusher decided without warning, to cancel my visa because they hadn;t received, through no fault of mine some paperwork from an other office. I'm still here! thanks in part to my blasting immigration with the law of the land and getting the press involved. needless to say the snotty little bitch lost her job, and i keep my visa. plus the money i have outlayed just to stay in this colony is atrocious!

  • upside/down

    skinnyboy said "colony".


  • ozziepost


    He's allowed - he's in Victoria!!

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