Pedophiles and Halloween .......

by banished1 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • banished1

    Pedophiles and Halloween do not mix so says the law.

    While perusing the t.v. channels this morning I came upon the end of a news alert that said a certain town was outlawing the known pedophiles from participating in Halloween.
    They have been ordered to remain in their homes and not answer the doors should little children come knocking on them.

    Did anyone else hear that news alert?
    Where was this anyway?

  • Crumpet

    I'm not a parent but I wouldn't let my kids go trick or treating without a couple of adults present and thats the way its done round here.

  • misanthropic

    Yeah Rebel8 started this thread today....... there they are making them attend a meeting during peak Halloween hours......

    I never thought about it before but I think that is a pretty good idea and much better than nothing being done at all. It's sad not only do kids have to worry about some sicko poisoning their candy but pedophiles as well.

  • banished1

    Yes, they said something about recommending the pedophiles attend a meeting during the peak hours of trick or treating. I think that is very smart! Yes, parents beware!

  • stillconcerned

    it's happening in fort worth..... locking up 254 of our sex offenders on Halloween night...

    Kimberlee d.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    Talk about a Kid in a Candy Store!! You are supposed to stay away from the little ones, and here they are, all coming to your door!!! Boy if you are a pedophile, Halloween would be your favorite time of the year! HL

  • misanthropic

    it's happening in fort worth..... locking up 254 of our sex offenders on Halloween night...

    Yeah but that’s pretty sad when you think about the fact that all other nights they have free range.

  • Bstndance

    As much as I find pedophila disgusting. I think it's a complete waste of tax payers money to lock them up for a night. Whatever happened to responsible parenting?

    Slightly OT: I remember on halloween my family would turn off all of the lights in the front of the house so no trick-or-treaters would stop by. "home but hiding" as the witnesses would say.

  • ColdRedRain

    Gee, preventing pedophiles from being in contact with strange children at the door. What a novel concept. I know Jehovah's celestial chariot is going to take that idea up soon!

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