This famous atheist turned religious made this comment recently in an interview with him:
FLEW: I think it’s very unlikely, due to the problem of evil. But, if it did happen, I think it would be in some eccentric fit and doubtfully orthodox form: regular religious practice perhaps but without belief. If I wanted any sort of future life I should become a Jehovah’s Witness. But some things I am completely confident about. I would never regard Islam with anything but horror and fear because it is fundamentally committed to conquering the world for Islam. It was because the whole of Palestine was part of the land of Islam that Muslim Arab armies moved in to try to destroy Israel at birth, and why the struggle for the return of the still surviving refugees and their numerous descendents continue to this day.
It seems this wise man had taken a step backwards. Perhaps because of facing his own mortality has brought this change in him. I suspect he knows very little about the life style of JW's only what they have told him in their door to door preaching.
This was in the Watching the world section of Awake of Dec 8th 2005. I went and looked it up on the internet and he did indeed make this comment.