Some months ago, an acupuncturist friend of mine lent me a tape that, he said, would change my life. It is called:
The Power Of Ah!
Now, according to this taped (American) therapist, if we only said Ah! at frequent intervals, we would become more relaxed, dynamic, healthy, slimmer etc etc. He reckons that by saying Ah! we open up our chakras to healing energies, and, in fact, we are all subliminally aware of this fact. That's why when we look at a baby we say Aaaaaa! so as to impart our healing energies in its direction.
And, of course, in our worship we say:
Buddhaaaaaah. Chakraaaah. Shivaaah. Jehovaaaaah.
Then again our loveliest ladies are Tinaaaah, Sheilaaah, Gloriaaaah, Esthaaaah etc etc.
Now, according to this fella, we should all say Aaaaaah! several times a day. Not just a little Aaaah, but a great big long one, very resonant and deep. Your ultimate aim is to be able to Aaaah loud, deep and long, so that listeners might assume that they are actually hearing a digeridoo being played.
So, today, I set about doing my Aaaahs. Stuck in traffic, I did a long Aaaah! much to the consternation of the driver of the sports car pulled alongside.
I did a few quiet Aaaahs in Tescos amongst the frozen vegetables, the person in the next aisle said "Excuse me?" so I shuffled off blushing furiously, could this be the first sign of Trolley rage, I wondered?
I sat in front of my PC and did more Aaahs, Her Ladyship asked me if I was shouting for another cup of tea, and was that with custard creams, darling?
So, in my first day of my new life with the Power of Aaaah! I am, I regret to say, a dismal failure. Maybe it's not my fault; maybe the fellow on the tape should have said more about where I should locate myself when I did my Aaahs!
Personally, I don't think he can tell his Aaaahs from his elbow.
..... fanaticism masquerading beneath a cloak of reasoned logic.