1878 was first mentioned by Russell's former mate Nelson Barbour, an Adventist who published the Herald of the Morning. e claimed thatin 1878 Christ would return to earth, visibly. When this didnt happen he had to bluff his way through it and wrote that Christ had returned but invisible. Taze kinda liked it and took it from there. He calculated a little more, even with the help of the pyramid of Gizeh and came up with a few new dates. 1918 being one of them. Rutherford in his days was intrigued, he needed a little gimmick to present to the flock, mostly ex-catholics at the time who desperately needed to be reassured. So the spaceship JC been going around this globe ever since then. Invisible. I make the same claim about Elvis. Somehow people laugh at me. Dont understand it. Cheers the Fox