The Witnesses who raised me (2nd generation JW parents) and that I grew up with (grandparents who all joined in the 1920s and 1930s) prided themselves on being markedly different from the nominal, frivilous, clap-happy church-goers in our locality.
As representatives of the Watchtower Society, we were serious-minded, sensible, rational, not given to emotionalism, able to sternly show chapter and verse - and hold our own in any doctrinal argument.
We knew our stuff to the very last letter - and, if necessary, were fearsome in the defense of our faith.
I have no doubt that if some of those old timers who were active in the organization in the 1930s and 40s and were still going strong in old-age the 1970s (and who have since long departed) "came back" they would not only fail to recognize the dumbed-down drivel that passes as "study" but declare the organization to have become apostate.
They would not spend a minute longer than necessary in the polished, stream-lined, air-conditioned tenchnology-primed boxes with Kingdom Hall and signs affixed.
The organization, for its part, does not care: It retains among its ranks those who reveal themselves to willfully refuse to think for themselves as they go into the third verse of the trolley song.