New Ex-JW Books to Check Out

by Cocoon 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Cocoon

    (1) "Out of the Cocoon: A Young Woman's Courageous Flight from the Grip of a Religious Cult" and (2) "Have You Seen My Mother?". I'm the author, Brenda Lee, of the first book and I just finished reading the latter book by Bryan Lee McGlothin (available at ). (Bryan's book was very well written and thought provoking. It's so tragic that Bryan lost his own daughter to the Watchtower cult after all his struggles, but wonderful that he eventually located his mother.) AND.......An autographed copy of my book, "Out of the Cocoon," is available at my website at . One of the reasons I wrote my story was to inspire people to successfully rebuild their lives after leaving the JWs, to help people realize how dysfunction breeds dysfunction, and to help ensure that my son is prepared when the JWs knock on his door someday. Education is the most powerful weapon that we "apostates" have and we need to use it every chance we get. The pen can truly be mightier than the sword. Check out both books. You will be glad you did.

  • carla

    I'm always glad to see new exjw books. I will be ordering mine soon. I just wish they would make the best sellers list so they could reach the mainstream public. Maybe I should donate to the public library? Anyone try this? What if a dub is working there?

  • freddi

    i am also happy to see anytime that ex j.w. literature comes out. being an xjw myself, i love to hear the encounters of those who have been left borg.



    p.s. where can i get the bk?

  • Eyebrow2
    Maybe I should donate to the public library?

    That is a good idea, actually. That way, perhaps someone studying with Witnesses will see it, and check it out. After all, when I was a JW, we were encouraged to give our teachers books, and donate books to libraries. Not sure if all libraries accepted. I don't think we offered them to the school library, but I don't think it would be a problem with public libaries, since they usually have a religion section.

    I love the artwork on the cover, btw. Very nice.

    I will admit I don't know if I will have a chance to read the book, or Bryan's any time soon, but maybe after xmas. Gotta take care of the little peeps hahh.

    If people could please post reviews on these books after you read them, I would really appreciate it too.

  • Fatfreek


    It certainly looks like an excellent read. I went to to get a peek at a few of the pages and learned that not all books have been scanned. You may or may not want to avail yourself of that service. The following is from their site about that topic:

    Search Inside the Book for Publishers
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