Hey, I`m discussing something with a JW-dork on another forum. He`s a complete idiot, he won`t believe that the WTS made that NGO-deal with the UN, until he sees the actual contract that the WTS signed. Does anyone know if a copy of this contract has leaked out? Is there a copy of it on the internet? He won`t settle for anything less (I suspect he might be retarded).
by Hellrider 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Tell him he should write them and ask. He'll become a believer .
No, the original "contract" (Application to Associate) has not been leaked. Also, it is very important to make sure you only say that they joined the UN/DPI, they did not (cannot) join the UN. JW lamers will jump all over that as a "deceitful lie from an apostate."
I am a member of that forum and know exactly who the dork is. Why don't you show him the scan of the letter from the WT defending their UN association. If the Society themselves admitted it, why does he need to see the contract? You could probably find the scan at the Freeminds web site.
It isn't the contract, but here's a link to the UN's own letter about the Watchtower's involvement in the UN/NGO/DPI program:
It's significant since it is actually on the UN's own web site. If the dub wants to claim it was planted by apostate hackers, then you see what sort of "mind" you're dealing with and you can start casting your pearls elsewhere.
Ask the JW if he requires that "kind" of proof for all his beliefs, or if he just accepts some things based on hearsay and third person testimony. For example, does he belive in the flood without seeing the actual ark?
Debating with a Jehovah's Witness is like being in a pissing contest with a skunk. It's like trying to reason with a drunk on a bus. When I debate with a Jehovah's Witness it's like wrestling in the mud with a pig. I get all dirty and the pig rather enjoys it. -
Ok (and yeah, I know you`re right Garybus). But who were the ones that signed the contract? I know it was a GB and one of their lawyers, right? Anyone know the names?
Lloyd Barry and Ciro Aulicino were evidently the PR and MR on the original application.
There is a scanned blank 1991 version application available over on Randy Watters site. This is exactly the version the Society would have filled out. Get him to read the whole thing thoroughly, especially the heading (which refers to an annual report) and question 15, and ask him if he honestly sees nothing there that conflicts with JW's stated beliefs re the UN.
Get him to go to the DPI website and read the DPI's 2004 re the Watchtower (PDF) letter for himself. That is the most damning piece of evidence.
Here's the page referenced in the above post: http://www.randytv.com/secret/1991ngoapplication.htm
Darth Yhwh
I am a member of that forum and know exactly who the dork is. Why don't you show him the scan of the letter from the WT defending their UN association. If the Society themselves admitted it, why does he need to see the contract? You could probably find the scan at the Freeminds web site.
The problem with that letter (if it's the one Im thinking of) is that they say something about how apostitates are spreading lies. So even though the WBTS admits it had some type of involvement with the DPI they outright lie about agreeing to uphold the charter of the UN and spread informaiton regarding it's activities.
Well gee, they just wanted to use the library yet they dis-fellowship those who join the ymca to just use their pool. Bunch of *ssholes !!