The Beatles

by startingover 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • startingover

    I read a little article in the paper this morning about a new biography on the Beatles.

    What I found interesting was a comment made by Paul McCartney. He cooperated in the project, but he commented that it really should be called mythology, because 50% of it is probably not true. He said the stories have been told over and over again and the line between fact and fiction is so blurred even he didn;t know what was true anymore.

    So let's see, the stories about the Beatles were from about 40 years ago and they are already mythology. Isn't that about the same time it took for the first gospels about Jesus to start appearing?

  • Leolaia

    Or you can look at Papias of Hierapolis who wrote ca. AD 120-140 and who spread the most fanciful stories about the apostles and Jesus. And he relied not on written gospels as much but oral tradition, as he trusted the stories told by old Christians (such as the daughters of Philip the Evangelist or John of Ephesus) much more than what had appeared in print.

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    Ah, yes. But you have to remember that Paul McCartney was not guided by the Allmeighty's holy spirit, right?

    Serously, though....good point.

  • Leolaia

    Another excellent example, if you care to research it, is the Roswell legend. The story concerns an event that occurred in 1947 (just over 50 years ago), but the documentary evidence shows that the legend principally grew over several decades (especially the 1960s and 1970s), and incorporates misremembered reminiscenes of later events, mixed together with the 1947 event, and through later retellings became more and more of a remarkable alien-crash myth.

  • Finally-Free
    He said the stories have been told over and over again and the line between fact and fiction is so blurred even he didn;t know what was true anymore.

    Sounds a bit like my own younger days. So much of it is a blurr now.

    People tell their stories and sometimes embellish them, and eventually believe their own propaganda. (look at the JWs)

    I'm sure the memories of the apostles could have been just as selective as my own.


  • jt stumbler
    jt stumbler

    Let it be Let it be....

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