What's everybody up to tonight? Unfortunately I have to do homework, so I get to listen to the neighbour hood punks light off fireworks and blow up pumpkins. Anybody got any exciting plans?
What's everybody up to tonight?
by JV 8 Replies latest jw friends
Exciting plans,,,,,ummmm no but can think of things i would like to be doing
I got homework too, but I'm just going to watch the Exorcist (on at 8pm, Space Channel for all you Canadians).
Hi JV Just chillen listening to music here and working. just got back in from the beach :) its like 70- and perfect here :)
I'm handing out candy... dressed like Skipper from Gilligan's Island.
The wife and I just handed out 50 snack bags of candy.
We ran out, so we turned off the lights and pulled down the shades, and made believe we were j.w.'s. for the rest of the night.
I saw a guy dressed up as duff man today at school, classy outfit, i feel like going to costco and getting a bag of halloween candy just for myself
made believe we were j.w.'s. for the rest of the night.
LOL Hubert
I'm sitting here with a big bowl of candy, and I'm a diabetic, and I'm eating it! Laffy taffy, tootsie rolls, bubble gum, suckers (lollipops), and stuff like that there. I'll have to make sure I check my blood sugars tomorrow. I might make a cot of poffee; that's me talking fast! Not a typo. When I talk fast, my sentences are the weirdest you've ever heard.
It's become a regular sentence between me and my husband...goint to make that cot of poffee...
I'll check back.
I should of made my nick NightNurse.