this site has a unique feature, you can put in your address and it will show a map pinpointing homes in your neighborhood with registered sex offenders. forgive me if this is a repost.
also has an aerial photo feature for some areas.
by candidlynuts 1 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
this site has a unique feature, you can put in your address and it will show a map pinpointing homes in your neighborhood with registered sex offenders. forgive me if this is a repost.
also has an aerial photo feature for some areas.
Hi candidly nuts "fluff-meister"!
Thanks for the site. Wisconsin does not list the addresses of these perverts, but they do list their names and a picture. We have several in our very small town so you do see "them" out and about. And of course in a small town many people know a lot of others and there is a general feel of protecting the community.
Now for that "fluff" appetite. When was the last time you had a pedicure? I'm 56 and had my first one last year. It was great!!!!! juni~~~~~~~~