Warning! Possible movie spoilers ahead...
In the movie Batman Begins, the League of Shadow Warriors is a group of individuals who are dedicated to justice, or at least what they consider justice. Whenever a certain society or city becomes too corrupt or evil the League of Shadow Warriors sets out to clean up the corruption and crime.
The leader of this group, Ra's Al Ghul has targeted Gotham City as the next corrupt city to be dealt with. He has recruited Bruce Wayne to join them, but when Wayne learns that their ways are too harsh he declines to join them. He sets out to deal with corruption and injustice in his own way.
In what harsh way does Ra's Al Ghul stoop to "clean up" Gotham? He is going to kill everyone in the city. Then and only then, can all corruption, crime and injustice be done away with and a new order set up. Of course the climatic ending of the movie pits Batman against Ra's Al Ghul as Batman tries to save Gotham.
As we watch the movie, we cringe at the thought that someone would consider killing a whole city of people just to end the evil corruption that is taking place. Batman knows that there is good in the city and fights to save the innocent from dying at the hands of a madman.
However, as I cringed at the thought of a whole city being destroyed because of the corruption, it hit me that Ra's Al Ghul's solution for cleaning Gotham was strikingly similar to Jehovah's solution for cleaning the world (as according to JWs).
If someone claimed to be a follower of the true God Jehovah, one would have to believe that what Ra's Al Ghul is doing is technically correct. It might not be his place to do it, but the results would be the same. Ra's Al Ghul's strategy is the same as Jehovah's strategy.
I wonder if JWs who watched the movie pulled for Batman or Ra's Al Ghul?