I've been feeling guilty lately.
I come from a very close family. We all love eachother in our own disfunctional way...LOL!
My husband comes from the Gold Medal Olympic Winner Disfunctional Family.
Because of his mother and his sisters continuous lack of respect for our feelings and their extreme inappropriate behavior we don't have anything to do with them or allow our kids to have any interaction with them.
Examples -
His mom came to visit one day and we offered her a drink (tea, coffee, soda) her response was " The watchtower study today was about staying away from alcohol"....
She repeatedly tries to give my oldest son the book of bible stories and give my husband the latest new spiritual food from the WT - even though we have repeatedly told her not to.
She tells lies about me to family, friends, anyone who will listen...she said I was a Witch and practiced witchcraft. The closest thing to this I have ever done is go to Salem Massachusetts to see all the tourist sites!
Most of hubby's sisters only call when they want something. Their children have stolen from us and this was never addressed and no amends were made.
His mother is constantly brining up sexual issues - incest, etc. Even though we have told her this is not appropriate to bring up around our children and really has nothing to do with them because they have never been victims of sexual abuse.
My oldest son who is 5 and a half recently said he'd like to see his Grammy. She never calls, she never asks about him and she has purposefully not treated him with the same kindness she shows her JW grandchildren. When he has been at her house with me and hubby, she will talk to him but mainly she wants to talk to me or hubby about the WTS or complain about her life and how horrible it is.
Part of me says...what can a one hour visit hurt as long as its with me or hubby there.
But the other part of me says...No way! She can't even be respectful of our feelings for 5 minutes and she can't even be nice to me - so I don't want my kids around her at all.
Also, she's only seen our youngest child 2 - 3 times since he was born 15 months ago...
And we live 10 minutes from her.
This comes up everytime we go to our bank which is in her town..
So if you got through this Thank you and please share your feelings.
Am I being mean?
Why Georgia