Triagonal, hexagonal, tetrahedronal stacking, our universe's version of the strongest and most efficient engineering geometry, recurs in nature in contexts of static non growth. Think bubbles, marbles, organism cells, diamond crystal. Phi frequently recurs in contexts of growth, where there is something new that has to be found a place for, but that place cannot be where the originator or the originating population already is. Phi might be called growth stacking (in contrast to static stacking). The growth stacking that results in the physical shape of the Nautilus is an elaboration of the stacking hexagon of, say, a turtle’s shell. Keep in mind that it does this, not because it’s programmed to (unless you are absolutely helpless to believe that God programmed it), but because it is following the path of least resistance and highest efficiency, just like triangle stacking. If it recurs in various places like the face, I would argue that it merely exhibits the universe’s fairly inevitable deployment of a basic proportional toolset for making the most efficient use of limited resources. Obviously you don’t want your eyes too near your mouth where you might fork them, nor your ears too near your nose where you might place the q-tip incorrectly, nor your etc etc ad infinitum. Phi is the universe being efficient. Why would G O D have to be efficient? Isn’t he made of, like, Zeus-bolts? But if one doesn’t believe in God, one must acknowledge the local universe as finite in energy and matter. I would argue that Phi is the universe’s, quantum mechanics’, Newtonian physics’, and evolution’s equivalent of making a welfare check stretch. We only happen to have called it beautiful because we happen to be fond of living, but at base it’s nothing so miraculous.