It comes down too....

by Deacon 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deacon

    For those who make a choice, decision or reality to leave off being a member of the Jehovahs WItnesses, it comes down to, either ceasing to believe in God as the creator, or....choosing to let him examine your heart and see that the direction that was taken, was done in total honesty and in total agony because of the choice made.

    And I guess that is all we can ask of ourselves as humans, that we make all decisions from knowledge and from reason and from inner conviction. God will surely take that into consideration,,,because we are made in his image, and therefore .....

    so for MrMoe, for others struggling with the ramifications of seperating from the organisation, just follow what is in your heart and gain all the information you can to make your own life decision...and then live it.

  • LDH


    Hope you and NPY are well. Will send you an email. Lots of changes over here.

    For myself, I just can't alow another human being to have say so over my human rights and freedoms for one more day. The doctrinal issues are second for me, which is why I nearly never comment on them.

    Shit, it's hard enough being married without having others input be the Word of God.


  • Deacon

    Hard being married??!!

    its called passion...the merging of two personalities,..takes..oooh, about 50000 years to get it right...but lots of fun aint it..?
    'cept when yer pregnant..

  • LDH

    Deac Email me. Yours is locked and I can't remember it. I need to tell you some stuff.


  • JanH


    For those who make a choice, decision or reality to leave off being a member of the Jehovahs WItnesses, it comes down to, either ceasing to believe in God as the creator

    Well, I am not entirely sure what you are saying here. People are different, sure, but I can't really imagine anyone choosing whether to believe in God or not. Either you believe in Santa Claus or you do not. Either you believe in God or you do not. Either you believe in reincarnation or you do not.

    What you can choose, is whether you want to educate yourself about and think hard about these issues. Once you decide to go down that road, you really can't choose what you'll end up believing. A person free from superstition can't force him or herself to believe in ghosts or gods. Either you do believe, or you don't.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]

  • Deacon

    in yer box right now...

  • ladonna

    LOL's Deac,

    Are you pregnant??

    On a more seious note........I can see what you are getting at.
    In other words if we left the WTBTS due to a total and heartfelt doctrines, or we just "knew" it was not the truth we can relax as having done the right thing....


  • Deacon



    I had a classroom of students with the same logical mindset as was "painful' at times

    When something is proved.... then we make a choice to accept it..

    Witnesses, dont choose to accept it....even in the face of proof...

    ergo, its a choice.

    its the postulation of a premise concept.. Propose an outcome, work along a series of paths to reach the outcome. As things change, and other outcomes become possible, or even dismiss the original theory doesnt take away the persons "belief" that his theory is right, even in the face of evidence to the contrary..its a choice.

    oh well, you get my drift

  • JanH


    When something is proved.... then we make a choice to accept it..

    Witnesses, dont choose to accept it....even in the face of proof...

    ergo, its a choice.

    I do see your point, and it is a valid one. I need to clarify what I meant.

    If we follow that argument to its conclusion, we are faced with the dilemma that for most controversial questions, "proof" doesn't exist either way. We talk about evidence, sometimes strong, sometimes circumstantial, sometimes ambiguous. So, if we accept your argument, we are forced to conclude that we all just choose what to believe, and evidence and arguments doesn't really influence us, be it religion, social questions or politics.

    That is obviously not the case for everybody, or, I hope, most. Yes, I think it's a conscious choice to be honest about facts, and allow yourself to be lead by arguments and do you best to not follow emotions and choose what "tickles your ear." The JWs you mention, and many others, do not make such a choice. They will be and remain intellectually dishonest to themselves and to everyone else because they are strongly emotionally attached to the idea, be it the Society, God or Communism.

    My point is that once you choose to be unscrupulously honest about facts and truth (small "t"), as best you can, then you will accept where that evidence leads you. When this leads you to atheism (or whatever) then you have not chosen to be an atheist. You have chosen not to try to fool yourself.

    I did not wake up one morning and say "I want to be an atheist." I did wake up one morning, realizing, "Hey. I actually am an atheist."

    Thanks for your comments. Always a pleasure to read your postongs, Deac.

    - Jan
    Faith, n. Belief without evidence in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel. [Ambrose Bierce, The Devil´s Dictionary, 1911]

  • Deacon
    I did not wake up one morning and say "I want to be an atheist." I did wake up one morning, realizing, "Hey. I actually am an atheist."

    Now THAT is an honest evaluation....and true to ones self!

    and a valid point Jan.

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