Panty Thief Blames Mental Instability to JW Chilhood

by Gerard 7 Replies latest social current

  • Gerard

    Kim stood accused of repeatedly entering college coed dorms at George Fox University and Linfield College. Prosecutors said he was stealing bras and panties to add to a meticulously organized and labeled collection he maintained

    He still faces panty theft charges in Multnomah, Benton and Washington counties, along with child porn charges in his home Washington County.

    The team, led by Newberg detectives, also discovered seven assault rifles, thousands of rounds of ammunition, a pistol loaded with hollow-point bullets, a second pistol and a gas mask.

    Kim's mother attributed his strange collecting habits and sexual predilections to depression and isolation.

    She said the family's demanding Jehovah's Witness faith, which he had eventually repudiated, combined with his Korean heritage to limit his social interaction with others. She said it left him isolated, socially ill-adept and vulnerable.

  • R6Laser

    Where does it say that the thief blamed his childhood on the crimes. It clearly states that his mother, not the thief:

    "Kim's mother attributed his strange collecting habits and sexual predilections to depression and isolation.

    She said the family's demanding Jehovah's Witness faith, which he had eventually repudiated, combined with his Korean heritage to limit his social interaction with others. She said it left him isolated, socially ill-adept and vulnerable."

    I just don't see why people waste their time searching for news articles about JW's. In this case an ex-JW because it states that the thief repudiated the faith.

  • Robert K Stock
    Robert K Stock


    Kim became a pervert due to the sexual repression of the Watchtower.

    He may have repudiated the faith but it was the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses that created his mental illness.

    Just like Michael Jackson and tons of others.

  • Eyebrow2

    well shame on the mother for raising him in it them. How many of us here that were raised in the truth DIDN'T become a panty thief? Sheesh.....

  • Elsewhere

    Panty Raid!!!!!

    *** Heading out to get my two story Regulation Panty Raid Ladder ***

  • Eyebrow2

    Else...oooo I forgot about you and Valis....maybe there IS something to this woman's claims.....

    Things that make you go HMMMMMMM

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Yeah, I don't see why people waste their time bringing up old injuries. Like rape, incest, pedophila....I mean when you are a JW for 25 years and then leave it do you have to keep "harping" on it? Why would you think somehow the JW's are responsible for anything? Obviously it was the leaving that was tramautic not the JW life for 25 years. Let's face it all JW's grow up into being a well adjusted, normal human beings. Why there are none of those kinds of stories here at JWD are there? Geesh, Laser get a grip.

  • Gerard

    Sexual repression and guilt does wonders on a child's mind.

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