Corporations vs. The Watchtower --- and the love they show to their....

by Jourles 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jourles


    The Watchtower Society says they show love to their fellow humans and more so to their own. But yet, how often do we hear of the WTS donating a large amount of money to a worthy cause? Or how about disaster relief? On the other hand, how often do we hear of corporations donating huge amounts of money and materials to these same things in times of need? Does the WT really love its adherents? How does it show this love? Personally, I never once saw this love being showered down upon me from the WTS. Individuals yes, but the WTS no.

    But how do companies/corporations display love to their employees? With benefits, perks, and good pay of course! Let's run down a few of these items and see how many the WTS provides to their "employees":

    • Paid salary -- The WTS provides no salary to the R&F, but expects the R&F to pay them. [Real companies pay]
    • Medical benefits -- The R&F are not eligible for medical benefits, no matter what their rank is in the congregation. [Real companies provide benefits]
    • Travel reimbursement -- The WTS offers no travel allowance for anyone in the field service, even pioneers. [Real companies offer reimbursement]
    • Company parties -- The R&F are solely responsible for setting up their own parties/picnics. The WTS provides no monetary donation for food and drinks. Everyone has to bring a dish and pay out of their own pocket. [Real companies will pay for summer picnics or other "holiday" parties]
    • Company paid college tuition -- Dare I even attempt to explain this one? The R&F are essentially warned not to pursue secondary education. But it is OK for bethel to send their folks to Columbia University. [Real companies pay for schooling to advance their employee's knowledge]
    • Heating/AC/Water -- The WTS insists that the R&F pay for these expenses, even though the WTS owns the building. If they don't pay, then tough. [Real companies pay to heat their own buildings]
    • Sales materials -- The WTS expects the R&F to pay for their sales materials when they pick them up, and then to also donate what they received in the field afterwards. The R&F get no commission percentage on their sales. [Real companies offer a commission based percentage on sales, unless the employee is compensated in other ways]
    • Achievement bonuses -- Again, the R&F get no monetary compensation. [Real companies share their prophets profits with their employees]
    • Raises/Promotions -- Yet again, no monetary compensation is given, but the men have a chance to rise in rank to either a MS or an elder. A woman can never be given a promotion. [Real companies offer raises every year and promote often, even women!]
    • 401k/retirement/pension -- Umm, yeah....right. Deliverance is at hand!! [Real companies offer some sort of retirement plan]

    Employers know what it takes to retain their employees. They need to show em' some love - love in the form of the above categories. If they don't, they lose their employees. Everyone can agree that the WTS is simply a book publishing corporation masquerading as a religion. We also can agree that they do not show this "love" in any shape or form to the R&F. Any love that gets shown is through the local congregation level only. And even then, the elders will sometimes call corporate HQ to find out if it is OK to show love to someone.

  • clear2c

    You have to ask why those people give their time, money. I always wondered how the magazines where free..

  • Jourles
    I always wondered how the magazines where free.

    The WTS will say they are a non-profit entity. They will say that field service is a strictly voluntary aspect for JW's. I'm sorry, but they are not a non-profit enterprise. The only reason why they may now be beginning to lose money is because JW's are starting to find out the real truth through the internet. My donations stopped altogether after I found out about a few hypocritical items.

    A non-donating witness is a dead witness in their(WTS) eyes.

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