Just a couple of quick questions is nexts sunday's study article the infamous oct 1st article on education? and are there more anti - education attacks in the oct 15th wt? if so could somebody quote them for me or provide a link, much appreciated
Re: Oct 15th WT articles & Next's week study article
by JV 8 Replies latest watchtower bible
Yes, next week is
"Parents--What Future Do You Want for Your Children?"
October 15 has 2 articles on humility
Thanks Blondie, I think i'll have to show up to that one being a college student myself, I don't have a copy of the Oct 15th article but is there a quote that mentions education and suicide in the same paragraph? I remember something like that.
You are thinking of the first non-study article in the October 15 issue, What Kind of Education Can Make Your Life a Success?
For instance, does higher learning help you to be a good parent, mate or friend? For that matter, people admired for their intellectual achievements may develop undesirable personality traits, fail in their family life, or even end up committing suicide.
Of course, no JWs ever commit suicide and we can't connect it with their religious life or because of their Bible training. (SARCASM)
blondie writes:
October 15 has 2 articles on humility
oh gawd. I'll need an extra large barf bucket for those. The only thing the GB knows about humility is do as I say, not as I do.
Many of those WT studies will feature a fascinating tap dance in the hundreds (or thousands) of U.S. congos where young people are already enrolled in college. Wonder if there will be any mention of the Bethelite who is going to law school (which, last time I looked, qualifies as higher education)?
Thanks alot Blondie, that's the exact quote that I was looking for. I can't believe the nerve of these people saying that if you get a higher education you run the risk of comitting suicide. I've recently made it know to select people in my kh that i'll no longer be coming to meetings anymore, but I will go just for that article next week, and so I can get a copy of the Oct 15th article and slam them on this ridiculous stance on education. Just one more thing to add, i've never known anybody with "higer education" that's comitted suicide, but I've known JW's who've killed themselves, go figure eh.
Unbelievable that they equate education with suicide? I had to read that one over twice just to be sure that I actually read it correctly.
I just read the "suicide" quote to my husband.... I still don't think he believes me.
But then, it IS quite hard to phathom how people eat this stuff up and don't even give pause at how utterly rediculous it sounds.