The Four Presidents of the Watch Tower quote:

by AK - Jeff 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    "Just as a shaky foundation is no place on which to build a house, the Watch Tower Society provides no firm support for a person to build a solid faith in our Heavenly Father, based upon his Word, and the simple teachings of our Savior, Christ Jesus. It is far removed from the simple teachings of Jesus and the completely voluntary act of being a Christian."

    The Four Presidents of the Watch Tower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses) - Edmond C Gruss [editor] Page 116 [soft cover edition]

    Just a simple quote that summarizes well my personal thoughts on the matter, having been a witness for decades.

    I am just enjoying this book so much - that I wanted to share a little of it today.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I really enjoyed the book too Jeff. And it is extremely well documented

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Yes - documentation is well done. The appendixes and follow-ups are half the book or so.

    Good complement to ISoCF and Apocalypse Delayed I think.


  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    I heard it was full of more speculation than the WT themselves. Any comments on that?

  • carla

    I'm in the middle of Apocaypse Delayed now. Do you find Penton almost sympathetic towards Russell?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Any specifics StM?

    I do not see it as that. There is some personal opinion stated. The facts are well documented. Nothing of great 'originality' jumps out - nor any largess of speculation that I have come across. Most of the facts covered by Penton or Franz are rehashed here, but from a different perspective somewhat. I have seen some articles by David Reed that carry a similar theme at times, as well as other former witness writers. The author remains anonymous - and there are two other anonymous contributors also. Gruss is just the editor. All 3 are former witnesses of significant time in the organization it is claimed, with significant responsibility within. Anonymity makes it impossible to confirm the voracity of the personal statements, that much is true. But, it rings true in my ears, trained for 4 decades in the organization.

    I have not found any speculative issues here, but I was not looking for that. And it is referenced thoughout as stated.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    I'm in the middle of Apocaypse Delayed now. Do you find Penton almost sympathetic towards Russell?

    It has been a while since I completed AD. I found him to be objective I thought and not overly personal in his characterization of anyone there. Any specific passages in the book that you have that impression from? Jeff

  • carla

    Guess I should finish before making any real judgements. It seems that most of the books have the same info. I read the Four Pres. as well and thought it was good. Each book may have something in a little more detail though. Still can't get through Gentile Times! Maybe because I still can't understand the whole jw view of it first. And I don't care enough about that particular subject, it becomes even more of a chore than the other books.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I agree, Carla, with Gentile Times. It is a tough read for me. The facts are interesting, but so voluminous so as to become overwhelming at times. Perhaps a little review here and there thoughout would help the reader to make a mental summary. Pretty tedious, but a major cornerstone in overturning Jw thinking for me.


  • carla

    I know it can be a major point that's why I keep trying to go back to it. But then I order some other jw book and read it first! I'm like a kid procrastinating on their homework!

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