JW story in dirt - Boulder, Colo.

by boulderdirt 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • boulderdirt

    Hey folks:

    I noticed that we had several users from this forum checking out one of our site's blogs when it mentioned Jehovah's Witnesses. Thought I'd update you and let you know that today's cover story is focused on the same.

    Check it out here if you're interested:


  • misspeaches

    Hi Boulder Dirt and welcome!

    Were you the person in the article who accompanied the JW's in their witnessing? Be careful you don't become trapped!

  • theinfamousone

    the sad thing is these poor people who think and seem so good are really blind... they are so well conditioned they can actually trick others to think their work is great... wow, im so sorry for poor rachel though, shes doomed to be one of these for a LONG LONG TIME...

    the infamous one

  • ithinkisee

    Some great comments on that article. Good job y'all.


  • rebel8
    They're not selling a product, so they're protected by the First Amendment, Brooks says.

    OP, this is a typical lie I was told to tell as a JW full time minister (pioneer). As a pioneer I got a discount on the selling price (ie the amount they request as a donation to cover the cost of printing) and was instructed to continue selling the literature at the normal price. I would make a percentage profit on the magazines which went directly in my pocket. (Granted, it was a negligible amount, considering the fact I didn't have a full time job, no health insurance, and the gas $ to drive around preaching.) I never felt comfortable with the lie I was told to tell, saying I wasn't making a profit on the literature.

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