Having my daily brew today, and reading Diane Wilson's book - Awakening of a JW. The barista overhears a conversation I am having with a regular there and asks what 'cult' I had exited. I told her JW and we had a nice conversation.
She tells me her husband's family was in a cult in Pennsylvania called the 'Temple.....' something. He was four years old when he was run over by a mower and had his arm cut-off. This cult his parents were in did not believe in use of medicine, and so his dad had to decide whether he would call the ambulance or let his son die in accordance with the cult's beliefs. He called the ambulance and his son lived and is now married to this barista.
Reminded me of some I have come to know on this forum and others that lost children due to the JW cult's postion on blood, vaccines, organ transpantation, etc over the years.
She said her husband feels a sense of something good from his loss of a limb, in that the cult 'shunned' his father and family after that, and eventually most of them got out of the cult. So his injury served a great purpose in his mind, although it creates anger at times for him.
I was moved by the experience - and reminded that there are a lot of cult and cultlike groups out there. Some every bit as dangerous, or maybe is some ways - more dangerous than JW.
Thought I would share.