This was in the MS about two years ago:
The camels are the typical representation of the magazines, that carry the GOOD NEWS around the world.
HB (of the "heave and barf"class)
by hamsterbait 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals
This was in the MS about two years ago:
The camels are the typical representation of the magazines, that carry the GOOD NEWS around the world.
HB (of the "heave and barf"class)
Does that mean the Watchtower Society is the antitypical representation of Baalams ass?
How about, an obvious anachronism that points to a later date of writing for Genesis? :)
Camel turds = watchtower and awake?
hahahaha i think i'm gonna need a quote on this... BLONDIE???
It may have something to do with the camel toe ... those nasty Israelites.
Rub a Dub