i hope everyone had a good day. if anyone feels like a conversation please join in....telltruth.
anyone feel like talking about whatever?
by telltruth 9 Replies latest jw friends
Yeah, I'm a bit bored. Probably try and catch some shut eye in a little while.. how's things?
hey there jordan. relatively speaking things are good. it rained all day here and completely grey. it does a number on the mood.
i met a couple of atheists at my work today. i was walking by this one guy's station, and he was browsing the flying spagetti monster website and chuckling to himself, so we got talking about kansas state school board, and ID, and george bush the fundy, and it turns out we're both absolute materialists and reductionists. he was raised as a presbyterian. so him and i and another atheist in our department are gonna go out for drinks tomorrow night. nice! we might invite the pagans from HR, but we'll see. pagans are cool for worshiping nature...
now just to find some atheist babes... shucks...
good evening tetra. sounds like an interesting place to work. as far as some atheist babes, their are probably a growing number around here (wt exodus) perhaps a thread to locate some would be in order. I had noticed on another one of your threads that you had invited folks to pray in your direction..... if you get a moment from the babe search i could use an answer to my prayer.
tetragod, please give my friend the strength to open her eyes to the troof , start questioning and coming to her OWN conclusions regarding the wts. please keep her strong, safe and healthy.... i pray this in your name and all other gods of mercy. ......telltruth
I had a really embarrassing situation tonight. I was supposed to be giving a presentation to my science class tonight. I spent most of the afternoon at my sister's house preparing the Powerpoint slides and rehearsing.
I must have dreamed the part where I opened my Yahoo mail from my sister's computer, attached the Powerpoint file to an email, and sent it to my instructor. So I get to class, and I tell my instructor that I am ready to go and that I emailed the Powerpoint file to her. She checks her email. Not there. I log into my Yahoo account and check my sent items. Not there. I check my Drafts folder. Not there. All I can think of is that I didn't click send, and that since I just shut down the Window when I was done, it didn't save it to my Drafts folder.
Fortunately she's letting me give the presentation this Monday. I just felt so stupid though.
dan.... yipes! i hope you can recall your work. nothing worse than missing a key sometimes.
Geesh, I wish it would rain here! We had one thundershower almost 2 weeks ago. Thats it...for 3 weeks...I started my own co. this year planting annual flowers, started planting the beginning of Oct. and now my poor pansies look pitiful. Just my luck!
I need someone to do a raindance.
mariposa.. hello and nice to hear from you. it has rained all day and continues as we speak. if you like i can can/jar/bucket some for you to spread on your plants. just realized i wrote can can.
good evening tetra. sounds like an interesting place to work. as far as some atheist babes, their are probably a growing number around here (wt exodus) perhaps a thread to locate some would be in order. I had noticed on another one of your threads that you had invited folks to pray in your direction..... if you get a moment from the babe search i could use an answer to my prayer.
LOL, ya, that would be the funiest thread in the world: "hey atheist babes, check in here" ha ha..tetragod, please give my friend the strength to open her eyes to the troof , start questioning and coming to her OWN conclusions regarding the wts. please keep her strong, safe and healthy.... i pray this in your name and all other gods of mercy. ......telltruth
a worthy prayer indeed telltruth, indeed i shall grant your prayer if you can convince your friend to drop her doctrine and read all of the essays at www.ebonmusings.org and praise, her life shall be different, and she shall question, and continue shedding doctrine after doctrine until she is too, a god. amen tetragod $39;