Song 220
10 min: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Minstry. Use the suggestions on page 4 (if appropriate for your territory) to demonstrate how to present the November 15 Watchtower and the November 22 Awake! Other realistic presentations may be used. In each demonstration, show a different way to handle the conversation stopper "I'm not interested in religion." - See Reasoning Book, pp. 16-17.
15 min: Contributions That Warm God's Heart. Talk by an elder based on the November 1, 2005, Watchtower, pages 26-30.
20 min: "Declare Jehovah's Glory." * When considering paragraph 4, invite the audience to relate brief experiences showing how fine conduct can open the way to give a witness.
Song 24 and concluding prayer.
*Limit introductory comments to less than a minute, and follow with a question-and-answer discussion.