It seems that in modern times, it is not so much about what country you live in, as much as it is about the god you worship. People within their own countries borders are fighting their fellow national citizen in the name of their God. Is this a sign that a religious war is coming or just an example of a ever growing populations growing pains? I was wondering what people think, and if it is a religious war, ever wonder why the Witnesses are not mentioned? Better yet, ever wonder if the Witnesses are left confused that the religious war they preached about for years, seems to be ignoring their small sect? Anyway, do you think the next great war of humanity will be fought in the name of a nation or in the name of a God?
Do you think a religious war is coming?
by free2beme 7 Replies latest jw friends
watch, if the apocalypse doesnt come fast enough, the six million j-dubs will try to take over the world... Jehovah has changed his plans, it will be on the cover of every awake and watchtower... JEHOVAH WANTS YOU TO KILL THE WORLDLY PPL... that was his plan all along, thelight just got brighter people...
the infamous one
for secular countries in the west it's not so much about religion, as it is about a clash of cultures/civilisations. No war can in these so-called civilised times could overtly be called by multi-ethnic societies in the west in the name of religion, since on the surface diversity is applauded, and relgious freedoms is fundamental to peace. Imagine the internal conflict in melting pots like the UK. It's the promotion of the fear of the "other" that generates a revival of citizenship status, and forces ignorant people to claim sides. This patchwork demographic will and has inevitability led to growing pains in the past when civilisations have come together.
Since bush heard his god telling him to attack iraq, i would say that a religious war has already been in full swing for some time.
I hope not. Wars traditionally were motivated by a desire to expand your countries empire / access to resources or perceived wealth. If it's not over quickly, eventually there comes a point where it's no longer worth continuing to fight due to the costs.
When Religion is the motivation, there is no point where a war becomes 'un worthwhile'. One of Accept's anti war songs put it well with the words "If he can't accept my heaven, then it's a mercy for him to die'. There is usually no compromise. It's convert or die !
IMO, religious wars have never left us- they've always been there, usually isolated, or at most on a national scale - I just hope one doesn't start on a global scale
I'm with satanus....aren't we in a religious war now? Sure there's oil money involved but religiion is too, right?
I think it's a real possiblity.
I think our nations aren't going about things the right way to prevent it either. Too soft on prevention in some areas and too hard where it isn't needed (i.e. Iraq). There's little we can do though. This one is beyond the control of citizens imo.
To me, it is the last strong hold of emotion that people have held to in this materialist driven world. Take my country, first think people ask "will I still have a job and money." In time they would grow to accept a new government, as seen in several examples in history. Attack my religion or do something that is against my religion and you tend to bring out the darker part of society. This leads to an emotional battle, as seen in France over things that would most likely lead no where with anything else.