I still have 3 plastic bags full. And I had to hide it in my closet!
How much Trick-or-Treat candy do you have left?
by mrsjones5 7 Replies latest jw friends
Jonesy, with all those kids of yours I'd think you would have tons left, not just what you bought either!
Me? NONE!! She refused to trick OR treat stating she is now too old. She went to a bonfire instead.
So I bought some that went on sale!...100,000.00 dollar bars, reeses cups, starbursts and tootsie rolls...love tootsies.
I'd say freeze what you have, it will last a long time.
Joel Wideman
We started with four bags. After the kids were done with their rounds, we had at least twice as much than when we started. Of course, all the good stuff got eaten and now we're down to the "eat last", which sits in a big candydish on the coffee table. An interesting note is that the wrappers are red and green, so we're ready for Christmas. :D
Hey most of that candy belongs to my daughter. She really knows how to work Halloween. I bought 2 5 pound bags of candy, one for trunk or treat at my church and another for Halloween night. Got wiped out on both accounts. lol
Because I live so far out, I never get any trick or treaters. I always buy a bag of candy, just in case someone gets adventurous and knocks on a door in the middle of nowhere. So, I have a whole bag left.
Why Georgia
We didn't have a single trick or treater as usual...my house is an old church and I think the kids are afraid to go knock on the door.
Either that or I am the scary lady in the neighborhood.....oh no!
My boys both got overfilled buckets of candy from Trick or treating at the mall....I've helped check it thoroughly to make sure it's safe for their consumption....LOL!
So we only have 1/2 a bucket left...filled with the yucky stuff!
All the good stuff was eaten the first week. Everything else got dumped in the trash.
NONE! Hubby took care of that! Darn him anyway!
I had to work Halloween night which I was very upset about, all my fun with the Grandkids decorating the house and I had to work! Gerrrr! I bought good candy this year, not like last year when nearly forgot about Halloween we had just moved into our house, boxes everywhere.......I ran out and bought a big bag of yucky candy thinking I wouldn't eat any of it if I didn't really like it. We had one, ONE kiddlet come to our door. That candy finally got thrown out maybe
six pounds,er months later!This year I through all caution to the wind and bought chocolate, Snickers and Reeses yummy!! I was going to enjoy every pound. Oh, then Hubby left alone to contend with the tricker-treaters got fed up waiting for them (we only had two this year) and set the bowl of candy out on the porch. Yep it was gone.............no candy for moi! I guess we had three this year, boy I'll sure be ready next year, I'm buying a 6 pack of full size candy bars, yep that'll do it. he,hee.
Maybe that was a good thing eh?