about 10 years ago the Paterson, NJ are kingdom hall elders saw the opportunity to buy a nice piece
of property to make a superhall. The building to the shock of the people with open eyes was a Masonic temple.
They bought it, and made some Kingdom hall inside. The other day as I was passing by I saw the Kingdom hall
sign changed to some other "church of JEsus.... whatever". I was in shock!!!
As, I passed by I had to not only do a double take, but I went around the block and had to look again (Paterson, NJ by the way is urban and almost like Newark). after I saw this twice, I had to call a sister that I knew in that hall. What did she say?
"well, even though we were using the halls, the upstairs was full of pagan stuff. The society told us that if we would not finish the other floors we should sell".... and so they did............ But we were mislead by the real estate agent, and were told that other type of business would buy"
My questions are:
1) Is not Masonic temple evil to JEhobar?
2) with all the voulenteer power they have, could they not "clean it up" in the 10 years of ownership?
3) If Jehobar allowed them to share worship with "pagan stuff" for all these years, then why and who set the limit of time?
4) is it not more of a shame to show how Jehobar is letting other "pagan religion" now take over, when they are supposedly "the most growing" relogion on earth?
5) of all the recruits in this urban area, there are those who cannot afford a Automobile, how Will Jehobar bring them to these Suburban halls?