I’m constantly amazed at technology, especially the technology that gets adopted and becomes so common we forget how amazing it is.
I think the internet, not just the www, but the mother of all networks with all its facets is the greatest technological advancement of all time. I’m not sure if there has ever been anything like it in history.
1. Companies allow data to cross their WAN clouds to other networks fairly freely. This sharing of private resources creates a network that is greater than the sum of its parts. You could not be on this DB right now without this aspect of the internet.
2. Open standards for communication allows for global addressing and transmission standards. This cooperation between competing entities by using open standards rather than proprietary hardware and protocols is unheard of as far as I know.
3. The naysayers of the early web wondered where all of the content would come from. The fact is that much of the content on the web comes from you and me. The consumers have become the producers. A good example is this DB. We produce the content mostly free of charge. The DB itself exists free of charge.
4. The sum of human knowledge, art, and philosophy is quickly being compiled into one easy to use, indexed research tool. It is now possible for more and more people to have access to this knowledge, uplifting all of humanity. The internet has made us more human by providing greater contact with the rest of humanity.
5. Not only does the great network speak the same language but with a click of a mouse you can understand a Russian webpage fairly well. It is the Babel of the new world.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. These are amazing wonderful times to live in. History has provided few times to live when there was something truly new under the sun.